Implicit Surface Tension for SPH Fluid Simulation

Stefan Rhys Jeske, Lukas Westhofen, Fabian Löschner, José Antonio Fernández-Fernández, Jan Bender

The numerical simulation of surface tension is an active area of research in many different fields of application and has been attempted using a wide range of methods. Our contribution is the derivation and implementation of an implicit cohesion force based approach for the simulation of surface tension effects using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. We define a continuous formulation inspired by the properties of surface tension at the molecular scale which is spatially discretized using SPH. An adapted variant of the linearized backward Euler method is used for time discretization, which we also strongly couple with an implicit viscosity model. Finally, we extend our formulation with adhesion forces for interfaces with rigid objects. Existing SPH approaches for surface tension in computer graphics are mostly based on explicit time integration, thereby lacking in stability for challenging settings. We compare our implicit surface tension method to these approaches and further evaluate our model on a wider variety of complex scenarios, showcasing its efficacy and versatility. Among others, these include but are not limited to simulations of a water crown, a dripping faucet and a droplet-toy.

Implicit Surface Tension for SPH Fluid Simulation

Authoring and Simulating Meandering Rivers

Axel Paris, Eric Guérin, Pauline Collon, Eric Galin

We present a method for interactively authoring and simulating meandering river networks. Starting from a terrain with an initial low-resolution network encoded as a directed graph, we simulate the evolution of the path of the different river channels using a physically-based migration equation augmented with control terms. The curvature-based terms in the equation allow us to reproduce phenomena identified in geomorphology, such as downstream migration of bends. Control terms account for the influence of the landscape topography and user-defined river trajectory constraints. Our model implements abrupt events that shape meandering networks, such as cutoffs forming oxbow lakes and avulsions. We visually show the effectiveness of our method and compare the generated networks quantitatively to river data by analyzing sinuosity and wavelength metrics. Our vector-based model runs at interactive rates, allowing for efficient authoring of large-scale meandering networks.

Authoring and Simulating Meandering Rivers

An Implicitly Stable Mixture Model for Dynamic Multi-fluid Simulations

Y. Xu, X. Wang, J. Wang, C. Song, T. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Chang, J. Zhang, J. Kosinka, A. Telea, X. Ban

Particle-based simulations have become increasingly popular in real-time applications due to their efficiency and adaptability, especially for generating highly dynamic fluid effects. However, the swift and stable simulation of interactions among distinct fluids continues to pose challenges for current mixture model techniques. When using a single-mixture flow field to represent all fluid phases, numerical discontinuities in phase fields can result in significant losses of dynamic effects and unstable conservation of mass and momentum. To tackle these issues, we present an advanced implicit mixture model for smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Instead of relying on an explicit mixture field for all dynamic computations and phase transfers between particles, our approach calculates phase momentum sources from the mixture model to derive explicit and continuous velocity phase fields. We then implicitly obtain the mixture field using a phase-mixture momentum-mapping mechanism that ensures conservation of incompressibility, mass, and momentum. In addition, we propose a mixture viscosity model and establish viscous effects between the mixture and individual fluid phases to avoid instability under extreme inertia conditions. Through a series of experiments, we show that, compared to existing mixture models, our method effectively improves dynamic effects while reducing critical instability factors. This makes our approach especially well-suited for long-duration, efficiency-oriented virtual reality scenarios

An Implicitly Stable Mixture Model for Dynamic Multi-fluid Simulations

Neural Metamaterial Networks for Nonlinear Material Design

Yue Li, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thomaszewski

Nonlinear metamaterials with tailored mechanical properties have applications in engineering, medicine, robotics, and beyond. While modeling their macromechanical behavior is challenging in itself, finding structure parameters that lead to ideal approximation of high-level performance goals is a challenging task. In this work, we propose Neural Metamaterial Networks (NMN) — smooth neural representations that encode the nonlinear mechanics of entire metamaterial families. Given structure parameters as input, NMN return continuously differentiable strain energy density functions, thus guaranteeing conservative forces by construction. Though trained on simulation data, NMN do not inherit the discontinuities resulting from topological changes in finite element meshes. They instead provide a smooth map from parameter to performance space that is fully differentiable and thus well-suited for gradient-based optimization. On this basis, we formulate inverse material design as a nonlinear programming problem that leverages neural networks for both objective functions and constraints. We use this approach to automatically design materials with desired strain-stress curves, prescribed directional stiffness and Poisson ratio profiles. We furthermore conduct ablation studies on network nonlinearities and show the advantages of our approach compared to native-scale optimization.

Neural Metamaterial Networks for Nonlinear Material Design

ClothCombo: Modeling Inter-Cloth Interaction for Draping Multi-Layered Clothes

Dohae Lee, Hyun Kang, In-Kwon Lee

We present ClothCombo, a pipeline to drape arbitrary combinations of clothes on 3D human models with varying body shapes and poses. While existing learning-based approaches for draping clothes have shown promising results, multi-layered clothing remains challenging as it is non-trivial to model inter-cloth interaction. To this end, our method utilizes a GNN-based network to efficiently model the interaction between clothes in different layers, thus enabling multi-layered clothing. Specifically, we first create feature embedding for each cloth using a topology-agnostic network. Then, the draping network deforms all clothes to fit the target body shape and pose without considering inter-cloth interaction. Lastly, the untangling network predicts the per-vertex displacements in a way that resolves interpenetration between clothes. In experiments, the proposed model demonstrates strong performance in complex multi-layered scenarios. Being agnostic to cloth topology, our method can be readily used for layered virtual try-on of real clothes in diverse poses and combinations of clothes.

ClothCombo: Modeling Inter-Cloth Interaction for Draping Multi-Layered Clothes

LiCROM: Linear-Subspace Continuous Reduced Order Modeling with Neural Fields

Yue Chang, Peter Yichen Chen, Zhecheng Wang, Maurizio M. Chiaramonte, Kevin Carlberg, Eitan Grinspun

Linear reduced-order modeling (ROM) simplifies complex simulations by approximating the behavior of a system using a simplified kinematic representation. Typically, ROM is trained on input simulations created with a specific spatial discretization, and then serves to accelerate simulations with the same discretization. This discretization-dependence is restrictive.
Becoming independent of a specific discretization would provide flexibility to mix and match mesh resolutions, connectivity, and type (tetrahedral, hexahedral) in training data; to accelerate simulations with novel discretizations unseen during training; and to accelerate adaptive simulations that temporally or parametrically change the discretization.
We present a flexible, discretization-independent approach to reduced-order modeling. Like traditional ROM, we represent the configuration as a linear combination of displacement fields. Unlike traditional ROM, our displacement fields are continuous maps from every point on the reference domain to a corresponding displacement vector; these maps are represented as implicit neural fields. With linear continuous ROM (LiCROM), our training set can include multiple geometries undergoing multiple loading conditions, independent of their discretization. This opens the door to novel applications of reduced order modeling. We can now accelerate simulations that modify the geometry at runtime, for instance via cutting, hole punching, and even swapping the entire mesh. We can also accelerate simulations of geometries unseen during training. We demonstrate one-shot generalization, training on a single geometry and subsequently simulating various unseen geometries.

LiCROM: Linear-Subspace Continuous Reduced Order Modeling with Neural Fields

Learning Contact Deformations with General Collider Descriptors

Cristian Romero, Dan Casas, Maurizio Chiaramonte, Miguel A. Otaduy

This paper presents a learning-based method for the simulation of rich contact deformations on reduced deformation models. Previous works learn deformation models for specific pairs of objects; we lift this limitation by designing a neural model that supports general rigid collider shapes. We do this by formulating a novel collider descriptor that characterizes local geometry in a region of interest. The paper shows that the learning-based deformation model can be trained on a library of colliders, but it accurately supports unseen collider shapes at runtime. We showcase our method on interactive dynamic simulations with animation of rich deformation detail, manipulation and exploration of untrained objects, and augmentation of contact information suitable for high-fidelity haptics.

Learning Contact Deformations with General Collider Descriptors

Stable Discrete Bending by Analytic Eigensystem and Adaptive Orthotropic Geometric Stiffness

Zhendong Wang, Yin Yang, Huamin Wang

In this paper, we address two limitations of dihedral angle based discrete bending (DAB) models, i.e. the indefiniteness of their energy Hessian and their vulnerability to geometry degeneracies. To tackle the indefiniteness issue, we present novel analytic expressions for the eigensystem of a DAB energy Hessian. Our expressions reveal that DAB models typically have positive, negative, and zero eigenvalues, with four of each, respectively. By using these expressions, we can efficiently project an indefinite DAB energy Hessian as positive semi-definite analytically. To enhance the stability of DAB models at degenerate geometries, we propose rectifying their indefinite geometric stiffness matrix by using orthotropic geometric stiffness matrices with adaptive parameters calculated from our analytic eigensystem. Among the twelve motion modes of a dihedral element, our resulting Hessian for DAB models retains only the desirable bending modes, compared to the undesirable altitude-changing modes of the exact Hessian with original geometric stiffness, all modes of the Gauss-Newton approximation without geometric stiffness, and no modes of the projected Hessians with inappropriate geometric stiffness. Additionally, we suggest adjusting the compression stiffness according to the Kirchhoff-Love thin plate theory to avoid over-compression. Our method not only ensures the positive semi-definiteness but also avoids instability caused by large bending forces at degenerate geometries. To demonstrate the benefit of our approaches, we show comparisons against existing methods on the simulation of cloth and thin plates in challenging examples.

Stable Discrete Bending by Analytic Eigensystem and Adaptive Orthotropic Geometric Stiffness

High Density Ratio Multi-fluid Simulation with Peridynamics

Han Yan, Bo Ren

Multiple fluid simulation has raised wide research interest in recent years. Despite the impressive successes of current works, simulation of scenes containing mixing or unmixing of high-density-ratio phases using particle-based discretizations still remains a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a peridynamic mixture-model theory that stably handles high-density-ratio multi-fluid simulations. With assistance of novel scalar-valued volume flow states, a particle based discretization scheme is proposed to calculate all the terms in the multi-phase Navier-Stokes equations in an integral form, We also design a novel mass updating strategy for enhancing phase mass conservation and reducing particle volume variations under high density ratio settings in multi-fluid simulations. As a result, we achieve significantly stabler simulations in mixture-model multi-fluid simulations involving mixing and unmixing of high density ratio phases. Various experiments and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

High Density Ratio Multi-fluid Simulation with Peridynamics

GARM-LS: A Gradient-Augmented Reference-Map Method for Level-Set Fluid Simulation

Xingqiao Li*, Xingyu Ni*, Bo Zhu, Bin Wang, and Baoquan Chen (* = joint first authors)

This paper presents a novel level-set method that combines gradient augmentation and reference mapping to enable high-fidelity interface tracking and surface tension flow simulation, preserving small-scale volumes and interface features comparable to the grid size. At the center of our approach is a novel reference-map algorithm to concurrently convect level-set values and gradients, both of which are crucial for reconstructing a dynamic surface exhibiting small-scale volumes. In addition, we develop a full pipeline for the new level-set scheme by incorporating a novel extrapolation algorithm and an enhanced reinitialization procedure into our reference-map method. We test our algorithm by simulating complex surface tension flow phenomena such as raindrop collision, merging, and splashing. We also showcase the efficacy of our approach by performing validation tests and comparing it to a broad range of existing level-set algorithms.

GARM-LS: A Gradient-Augmented Reference-Map Method for Level-Set Fluid Simulation