Solving the Fluid Pressure Poisson Equation Using Multigrid—Evaluation and Improvements

Christian Dick, Marcus Rogowsky, Rüdiger Westermann

In many numerical simulations of fluids governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, the pressure Poisson equation needs to be solved to enforce mass conservation. Multigrid solvers show excellent convergence in simple scenarios, yet they can converge slowly in domains where physically separated regions are combined at coarser scales. Moreover, existing multigrid solvers are tailored to specific discretizations of the pressure Poisson equation, and they cannot easily be adapted to other discretizations.
In this paper we analyze the convergence properties of existing multigrid solvers for the pressure Poisson equation in different simulation domains, and we show how to further improve the multigrid convergence rate by using a graph-based extension to determine the coarse grid hierarchy. The proposed multigrid solver is generic in that it can be applied to different kinds of discretizations of the pressure Poisson equation, by using solely the specification of the simulation domain and pre-assembled computational stencils. We analyze the proposed solver in combination with finite difference and finite volume discretizations of the pressure Poisson equation. Our evaluations show that, despite the common assumption, multigrid schemes can exploit their potential even in the most complicated simulation scenarios, yet this behavior is obtained at the price of higher memory consumption.

Solving the Fluid Pressure Poisson Equation Using Multigrid—Evaluation and Improvements

Ductile Fracture for Clustered Shape Matching

Ben Jones, April Martin, Joshua A. Levine, Tamar Shinar, and Adam W. Bargteil

In this paper, we incorporate ductile fracture into the clustered shape matching simulation framework for deformable bodies, thus filling a gap in the shape matching literature. Our plasticity and fracture models are inspired by the finite element literature on deformable bodies, but are adapted to the clustered shape matching framework. The resulting approach is fast, versatile, and simple to implement.

Ductile Fracture for Clustered Shape Matching

Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion

Gerard Pons-Moll, Javier Romero, Naureen Mahmood, and Michael J. Black

To look human, digital full-body avatars need to have soft tissue deformations like those of real people. Current methods for physics simulation of soft tissue lack realism, are computationally expensive, or are hard to tune. Learning soft tissue motion from example, however, has been limited by the lack of dense, high-resolution, training data. We address this using a 4D capture system and a method for accurately registering 3D scans across time to a template mesh. Using over 40,000 scans of ten subjects, we compute how soft tissue motion causes mesh triangles to deform relative to a base 3D body model and learn a low-dimensional linear subspace approximating this soft-tissue deformation. Our model, called Dyna, relates the linear coefficients of this body surface deformation to the changing pose of the body. We learn a second-order auto-regressive model that predicts soft-tissue deformations based on previous deformations, the velocity and acceleration of the body, and the angular velocities and accelerations of the limbs. Dyna also models how deformations vary with a person’s body mass index (BMI), producing different deformations for people with different shapes. Dyna realistically represents the dynamics of soft tissue for previously unseen subjects and motions. Finally, we provide tools for animators to vary BMI to produce different effects, to selectively control the location and intensity of soft-tissue motions, and to apply the model to new, stylized characters.

Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion

Implicit Incompressible SPH on the GPU

Prashant Goswami, André Eliasson, Pontus Franzén

This paper presents CUDA-based parallelization of implicit incompressible SPH (IISPH) on the GPU. Along with the detailed exposition of our implementation, we analyze various components involved for their costs. We show that our CUDA version achieves near linear scaling with the number of particles and is faster than the multi-core parallelized IISPH on the CPU. We also present a basic comparison of IISPH with the standard SPH on GPU.

Implicit Incompressible SPH on the GPU

Grid-Free Surface Tracking on the GPU

Nuttapong Chentanez, Matthias Mueller, Miles Macklin, Tae-Yong Kim

We present the first mesh-based surface tracker that runs entirely on the GPU. The surface tracker is both completely grid-free and fast which makes it suitable for the use in a large, unbounded domain. The key idea for handling topological changes is to detect and delete overlapping triangles as well as triangles that lie inside the volume. The holes are then joined or closed in a robust and efficient manner. Good mesh quality is maintained by a mesh improvement algorithm. In this paper we describe how all these steps can be parallelized to run effi- ciently on a GPU. The surface tracker is guaranteed to produce a manifold mesh without boundary. Our results show the quality and efficiency of the method in both Eulerian and Lagrangian liquid simulations. Our parallel implementation runs more than an order of magnitude faster than the CPU version.

Grid-Free Surface Tracking on the GPU

Evaluation of Surface Tension Models for SPH-Based Fluid Animations Using a Benchmark Test

Markus Huber, Stefan Reinhardt, Daniel Weiskopf, and Bernhard Eberhardt

We evaluate surface tension models in particle-based fluid simulation systems using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with a benchmark test. Our benchmark consists of three experiments and a set of analysis methods that are useful for the comparison of surface tension models. Although visual quality is of major interest and is considered as well, we suggest quantification methods for the properties of these models. The goal is to identify if a certain model is suitable for a given scenario and to be able to control the results in the creation of animations. We apply the proposed evaluation methods to three existing surface tension models in combination with different SPH techniques (WCSPH, PCISPH, and IISPH) and perform systematic tests to show the influence of different settings and parameter choices. The surface tension models are chosen from different classes: a pure inter-particle force model, a model based on surface curvature, and a model using a combination of these. Additionally, we present a simple modification to improve the quality of inter-particle force models.

Evaluation of Surface Tension Models for SPH-Based Fluid Animations Using a Benchmark Test


Biomechanical Simulation and Control of Hands and Tendinous Systems

Prashant Sachdeva, Shinjiro Sueda, Susanne Bradley, Mikhail Fain, Dinesh K. Pai

The tendons of the hand and other biomechanical systems form a complex network of sheaths, pulleys, and branches. By modeling these anatomical structures, we obtain realistic simulations of coordination and dynamics that were previously not possible. First, we introduce Eulerian-on-Lagrangian discretization of tendon strands, with a new selective quasistatic formulation that eliminates unnecessary degrees of freedom in the longitudinal direction, while maintaining the dynamic behavior in transverse directions. This formulation also allows us to take larger time steps. Second, we introduce two control methods for biomechanical systems: first, a general-purpose learning-based approach requiring no previous system knowledge, and a second approach using data extracted from the simulator. We use various examples to compare the performance of these controllers.

Biomechanical Simulation and Control of Hands and Tendinous Systems

Interactive Detailed Cutting of Thin Sheets

Pierre-Luc Manteaux, Wei-Lun Sun, Francois Faure, Marie-Paule Cani, James F. O’Brien

In this paper we propose a method for the interactive detailed cutting of deformable thin sheets. Our method builds on the ability of frame-based simulation to solve for dynamics using very few control frames while embedding highly detailed geometry – here an adaptive mesh that accurately represents the cut boundaries. Our solution relies on a non-manifold grid to compute shape functions that faithfully adapt to the topological changes occurring while cutting. New frames are dynamically inserted to describe new regions. We provide incremental mechanisms for updating simulation data, enabling us to achieve interactive rates. We illustrate our method with examples inspired by the traditional Kirigami artform.

Interactive Detailed Cutting of Thin Sheets

Subspace Dynamic Simulation Using Rotation-Strain Coordinates

Zherong Pan, Hujun Bao, Jin Huang

In this paper, we propose a full featured and efficient subspace simulation method in the rotation-strain (RS) space for elastic objects. Sharply different from previous methods using the rotation-strain space, except for the ability to handle non-linear elastic materials and external forces, our method correctly formulates the kinetic energy, centrifugal and Coriolis forces which significantly reduces the dynamic artifacts. We show many techniques used in the Euclidean space methods, such as modal derivatives, polynomial and cubature approximation, can be adapted to our RS simulator. Carefully designed experiments show that the equation of motion in RS space has less non-linearity than its Euclidean counterpart, and as a consequence, our method has great advantages of lower dimension and computational complexity than state-of-the-art methods in the Euclidean space.

Subspace Dynamic Simulation Using Rotation-Strain Coordinates

Data-Driven Fluid Simulations using Regression Forests

Ľubor Ladický, SoHyeon Jeong, Barbara Solenthaler, Marc Pollefeys, and Markus Gross

Traditional fluid simulations require large computational resources even for an average sized scene with the main bottleneck being a very small time step size, required to guarantee the stability of the solution. Despite a large progress in parallel computing and efficient algorithms for pressure computation in the recent years, realtime fluid simulations have been possible only under very restricted conditions. In this paper we propose a novel machine learning based approach, that formulates physics-based fluid simulation as a regression problem, estimating the acceleration of every particle for each frame. We designed a feature vector, directly modelling individual forces and constraints from the Navier-Stokes equations, giving the method strong generalization properties to reliably predict positions and velocities of particles in a large time step setting on yet unseen test videos. We used a regression forest to approximate the behaviour of particles observed in the large training set of simulations obtained using a traditional solver. Our GPU implementation led to a speed-up of one to three orders of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art position-based fluid solver and runs in real-time for systems with up to 2 million particles.

Data-Driven Fluid Simulations using Regression Forests