A Moving Least Squares Material Point Method with Displacement Discontinuity and Two-Way Rigid Body Coupling

Yuanming Hu, Yu Fang, Ziheng Ge, Ziyin Qu, Yixin Zhu, Andre Pradhana, Chenfanfu Jiang

In this paper, we introduce the Moving Least Squares Material Point Method (MLS-MPM). MLS-MPM naturally leads to the formulation of Affine Particle-In-Cell (APIC) [Jiang et al. 2015] and Polynomial Particle-In-Cell [Fu et al. 2017] in a way that is consistent with a Galerkin-style weak form discretization of the governing equations. Additionally, it enables a new stress divergence discretization that eortlessly allows all MPM simulations to run two times faster than before. We also develop a Compatible Particle-In-Cell (CPIC) algorithm on top of MLS-MPM. Utilizing a colored distance field representation and a novel compatibility condition for particles and grid nodes, our framework enables the simulation of various new phenomena that are not previously supported by MPM, including material cutting, dynamic open boundaries, and two-way coupling with rigid bodies. MLS-MPM with CPIC is easy to implement and friendly to performance optimization.

A Moving Least Squares Material Point Method with Displacement Discontinuity and Two-Way Rigid Body Coupling

Animating Fluid Sediment Mixture in Particle-Laden Flows

Ming Gao, Andre Pradhana-Tampubolon, Xuchen Han, Qi Guo, Grant Kot, Eftychios Sifakis, Chenfanfu Jiang

In this paper, we present a mixed explicit and semi-implicit Material Point Method for simulating particle-laden flows. We develop a Multigrid Preconditioned fluid solver for the Locally Averaged Navier-Stokes equation. This is discretized purely on a semi-staggered standard MPM grid. Sedimentation is modeled with the Drucker-Prager elastoplasticity flow rule, enhanced by a novel particle density estimation method for converting particles between representations of either continuum or discrete points. Fluid and sediment are two-way coupled through a momentum exchange force that can be easily resolved with two MPM background grids. We present various results to demonstrate the efficacy of our method.

Animating Fluid Sediment Mixture in Particle-Laden Flows

tempoGAN: A Temporally Coherent, Volumetric GAN for Super-resolution Fluid Flow

You Xie, Erik Franz, MengYu Chu, Nils Thuerey

We propose a temporally coherent generative model addressing the super-resolution problem for fluid flows. Our work represents a first approach to synthesize four-dimensional physics fields with neural networks. Based on a conditional generative adversarial network that is designed for the inference of three-dimensional volumetric data, our model generates consistent and detailed results by using a novel temporal discriminator, in addition to the commonly used spatial one. Our experiments show that the generator is able to infer more realistic high-resolution details by using additional physical quantities, such as low-resolution velocities or vorticities. Besides improvements in the training process and in the generated outputs, these inputs offer means for artistic control as well. We additionally employ a physics-aware data augmentation step, which is crucial to avoid overfitting and to reduce memory requirements. In this way, our network learns to generate advected quantities with highly detailed, realistic, and temporally coherent features. Our method works instantaneously, using only a single time-step of low-resolution fluid data. We demonstrate the abilities of our method using a variety of complex inputs and applications in two and three dimensions.

tempoGAN: A Temporally Coherent, Volumetric GAN for Super-resolution Fluid Flow

Water Surface Wavelets

Stefan Jeschke, Tomáš Skřivan, Matthias Müller-Fischer, Nuttapong Chentanez, Miles Macklin, Chris Wojtan

The current state of the art in real-time two-dimensional water wave simulation requires developers to choose between efficient Fourier-based methods, which lack interactions with moving obstacles, and finite-difference or finite element methods, which handle environmental interactions but are significantly more expensive. This paper attempts to bridge this long-standing gap between complexity and performance, by proposing a new wave simulation method that can faithfully simulate wave interactions with moving obstacles in real time while simultaneously preserving minute details and accommodating very large simulation domains. Previous methods for simulating 2D water waves directly compute the change in height of the water surface, a strategy which imposes limitations based on the CFL condition (fast moving waves require small time steps) and Nyquist’s limit (small wave details require closely-spaced simulation variables). This paper proposes a novel wavelet transformation that discretizes the liquid motion in terms of amplitude-like functions that vary over {\em space, frequency, and direction}, effectively generalizing Fourier-based methods to handle local interactions. Because these new variables change much more slowly over space than the original water height function, our change of variables drastically reduces the limitations of the CFL condition and Nyquist limit, allowing us to simulate highly detailed water waves at very large visual resolutions. Our discretization is amenable to fast summation and easy to parallelize. We also present basic extensions like pre-computed wave paths and two-way solid fluid coupling. Finally, we argue that our discretization provides a convenient set of variables for artistic manipulation, which we illustrate with a novel wave-painting interface.

Water Surface Wavelets

PSCC: Parallel Self-Collision Culling with Spatial Hashing on GPUs

Min Tang, Zhongyuan Liu,, Ruofeng Tong, Dinesh Manocha

We present a GPU-based self-collision culling method (PSCC) based on a combination of normal cone culling and spatial hashing techniques. We first describe a normal cone test front (NCTF) based parallel algorithm that maps well to GPU architectures. We use sprouting and shrinking operators to maintain compact NCTFs. Moreover, we use the NCTF nodes to efficient build an enhanced spatial hashing for triangles meshes and use that for inter-object and intra-object collisions. Compared with conventional spatial hashing, our approach provides higher culling efficiency and reduces the cost of narrow phrase culling. As compared to prior GPU-based parallel collision detection algorithm, our approach demonstrates 6?8X speedup. We also present an efficient approach for GPU-based cloth simulation based on PSCC. In practice, our GPU-based cloth simulation takes about one second per frame on complex scenes with tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles, and is about 4-6X faster than prior GPU-based simulation algorithms.

PSCC: Parallel Self-Collision Culling with Spatial Hashing on GPUs

Real-Time Virtual Pipes Simulation and Modeling for Small-Scale Shallow Water

François Dagenais, Julián Guzmán, Valentin Vervondel, Alexander Hay, Sébastien Delorme, David Mould, and Eric Paquette

We propose an approach for real-time shallow water simulation, building upon the virtual pipes model with multi-layered heightmaps. Our approach introduces the use of extended pipes which resolve flow through fully-flooded passages, which is not possible using current multi-layered techniques. We extend the virtual pipe method with a physically-based viscosity model that is both fast and stable. Our viscosity model is integrated implicitly without the expense of solving a large linear system. The liquid is rendered as a triangular mesh surface built from a heightmap. We propose a novel surface optimization approach that prevents interpenetrations of the liquid surface with the underlying terrain geometry. To improve the realism of small-scale scenarios, we present a meniscus shading approach that adjusts the liquid surface normals based on a distance field. Our approach runs in real time on various scenarios of roughly 10×10 cm at a resolution of 0.5 mm with up to five layers.

Real-Time Virtual Pipes Simulation and Modeling for Small-Scale Shallow Water

Pressure Boundaries for Implicit Incompressible SPH

Stefan Band, Christoph Gissler, Markus Ihmsen, Jens Cornelis, Andreas Peer, Matthias Teschner

Implicit incompressible SPH (IISPH) solves a pressure Poisson equation (PPE). While the solution of the PPE provides pressure at fluid samples, the embedded boundary handling does not compute pressure at boundary samples. Instead, IISPH uses various approximations to remedy this deficiency. In this paper, we illustrate the issues of these IISPH approximations. We particularly derive Pressure Boundaries, a novel boundary handling that overcomes previous IISPH issues by the computation of physically meaningful pressure values at boundary samples. This is basically achieved with an extended PPE. We provide a detailed description of the approach that focuses on additional technical challenges due to the incorporation of boundary samples into the PPE. We therefore use volume-centric SPH discretizations instead of typically used density-centric ones. We further analyze the properties of the proposed boundary handling and compare it to the previous IISPH boundary handling. In addition to the fact that the proposed boundary handling provides physically meaningful pressure and pressure gradients at boundary samples, we show further benefits such as reduced pressure oscillations, improved solver convergence and larger possible time steps. The memory footprint of fluid samples is reduced and performance gain factors of up to five compared to IISPH are presented.

Pressure Boundaries for Implicit Incompressible SPH

An Implicit SPH Formulation for Incompressible Linearly Elastic Solids

Andreas Peer, Christoph Gissler, Stefan Band, Matthias Teschner
We propose a novel SPH formulation for deformable solids. Key aspects of our method are implicit elastic forces and an adapted SPH formulation for the deformation gradient that—in contrast to previous work—allows a rotation extraction directly from the SPH deformation gradient. The proposed implicit concept is entirely based on linear formulations. As a linear strain tensor is used, a rotation-aware computation of the deformation gradient is required. In contrast to existing work, the respective rotation estimation is entirely realized within the SPH concept using a novel formulation with incorporated kernel gradient correction for first-order consistency. The proposed implicit formulation and the adapted rotation estimation allow for significantly larger time steps and higher stiffness compared to explicit forms. Performance gain factors of up to one hundred are presented. Incompressibility of deformable solids is accounted for with an ISPH pressure solver. This further allows for a pressure-based boundary handling and a unified processing of deformables interacting with SPH fluids and rigids. Self-collisions are implicitly handled by the pressure solver.

An Implicit SPH Formulation for Incompressible Linearly Elastic Solids




TOG presentations:

Controllable Dendritic Crystal Simulation Using Orientation Field

Bo Ren, Jiahui Huang, Ming C. Lin, Shi-Min Hu

Real world dendritic growths show charming structures by their exquisite balance between the symmetry and randomness in the crystal formation. Other than the variety in the natural crystals, richer visual appearance of crystals can benefit from artificially controlling of the crystal growth on its growing directions and shapes. In this paper, by introducing one extra dimension of freedom, i.e. the orientation field, into the simulation, we propose an efficient algorithm for dendritic crystal simulation that is able to reproduce arbitrary symmetry patterns with different levels of asymmetry breaking effect on general grids or meshes including spreading on curved surfaces and growth in 3D. Flexible artistic control is also enabled in a unified manner by exploiting and guiding the orientation field in the visual simulation. We show the effectiveness of our approach by various demonstrations of simulation results.

Controllable Dendritic Crystal Simulation Using Orientation Field