Stitch Meshing

Kui Wu, Xifeng Gao, Zachary Ferguson, Daniele Panozzo, Cem Yuksel

We introduce the first fully automatic pipeline to convert arbitrary 3D shapes into knit models. Our pipeline is based on a global parametrization remeshing pipeline to produce an isotropic quad-dominant mesh aligned with a 2-RoSy field. The knitting directions over the surface are determined using a set of custom topological operations and a two-step global optimization that minimizes the number of irregularities. The resulting mesh is converted into a valid stitch mesh that represents the knit model. The yarn curves are generated from the stitch mesh and the final yarn geometry is computed using a yarn-level relaxation process. Thus, we produce topologically valid models that can be used with a yarn-level simulation. We validate our algorithm by automatically generating knit models from complex 3D shapes and processing over a hundred models with various shapes without any user input or parameter tuning. We also demonstrate applications of our approach for custom knit model generation using fabrication via 3D printing.

Stitch Meshing

Active Animations of Reduced Deformable Models with Environment Interactions

Zherong Pan., Dinesh Manocha

We present an efficient spacetime optimization method to automatically generate animations for a general volumetric, elastically deformable body. Our approach can model the interactions between the body and the environment and automatically generate active animations. We model the frictional contact forces using contact invariant optimization and the fluid drag forces using a simplified model. To handle complex objects, we use a reduced deformable model and present a novel hybrid optimizer to search for the local minima efficiently. This allows us to use long-horizon motion planning to automatically generate animations such as walking, jumping, swimming, and rolling. We evaluate the approach on different shapes and animations, including deformable body navigation and combining with an open-loop controller for realtime forward simulation.

Active Animations of Reduced Deformable Models with Environment Interactions

Immersion of Self-Intersecting Solids and Surfaces

Yijing Li, Jernej Barbič

Self-intersecting, or nearly self-intersecting, meshes are commonly found in 2D and 3D computer graphics practice. Self-intersections occur, for example, in the process of artist manual work, as a by-product of procedural methods for mesh generation, or due to modeling errors introduced by scanning equipment. If the space bounded by such inputs is meshed naively, the resulting mesh joins (“glues”) self-overlapping parts, precluding efficient further modeling and animation of the underlying geometry. Similarly, near self-intersections force the simulation algorithm to employ an unnecessarily detailed mesh to separate the nearly self-intersecting regions. Our work addresses both of these challenges, by giving an algorithm to generate an “un-glued” simulation mesh, of arbitrary user-chosen resolution, that properly accounts for self-intersections and near self-intersections. In order to achieve this result, we study the mathematical concept of immersion, and give a deterministic and constructive algorithm to determine if the input self-intersecting triangle mesh is the boundary of an immersion. For near self-intersections, we give a robust algorithm to properly duplicate mesh elements and correctly embed the underlying geometry into the mesh element copies. Both the self-intersections and near self-intersections are combined into one algorithm that permits successful meshing at arbitrary resolution. Applications of our work include volumetric shape editing, physically based simulation and animation, and volumetric weight and geodesic distance computation on self-intersecting inputs.

Immersion of Self-Intersecting Solids and Surfaces

Automatically Distributing Eulerian and Hybrid Fluid Simulations in the Cloud

Omid Mashayekhi, Chinmayee Shah, Hang Qu, Andrew Lim, Philip Levis
Distributing a simulation across many machines can drastically speed up computations and increase detail. The computing cloud provides tremendous computing resources, but weak service guarantees force programs to manage significant system complexity: nodes, networks, and storage occasionally perform poorly or fail. We describe Nimbus, a system that automatically distributes grid-based and hybrid simulations across cloud computing nodes. The main simulation loop is sequential code and launches distributed computations across many cores. The simulation on each core runs as if it is stand-alone: Nimbus automatically stitches these simulations into a single, larger one. To do this efficiently, Nimbus introduces a four-layer data model that translates between the contiguous, geometric objects used by simulation libraries and the replicated, fine-grained objects managed by its underlying cloud computing runtime. Using PhysBAM particle level set fluid simulations, we demonstrate that Nimbus can run higher detail simulations faster, distribute simulations on up to 512 cores, and run enormous simulations (10243 cells). Nimbus automatically manages these distributed simulations, balancing load across nodes and recovering from failures. Implementations of PhysBAM water and smoke simulations as well as an open source heat-diffusion simulation show that Nimbus is general and can support complex simulations.

Automatically Distributing Eulerian and Hybrid Fluid Simulations in the Cloud

FEPR: Fast Energy Projection for Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Objects

Dimitar Dinev, Tiantian Liu, Jing Li, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Ladislav Kavan
We propose a novel projection scheme that corrects energy fluctuations in simulations of deformable objects, thereby removing unwanted numerical dissipation and numerical “explosions”. The key idea of our method is to first take a step using a conventional integrator, then project the result back to the constant energy-momentum manifold. We implement this strategy using fast projection, which only adds a small amount of overhead to existing physics-based solvers. We test our method with several implicit integration rules and demonstrate its benefits when used in conjunction with Position Based Dynamics and Projective Dynamics. When added to a dissipative integrator such as backward Euler, our method corrects the artificial damping and thus produces more vivid motion. Our projection scheme also effectively prevents
instabilities that can arise due to approximate solves or large time steps. Our method is fast, stable, and easy to implement—traits that make it well-suited for real-time physics applications such as games or training simulators.

FEPR: Fast Energy Projection for Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Objects

Anderson Acceleration for Geometry Optimization and Physics Simulation

Yue Peng, Bailin Deng, Juyong Zhang, Fanyu Geng, Wenjie Qin, Ligang liu

Many computer graphics problems require computing geometric shapes subject to certain constraints. This often results in non-linear and non-convex optimization problems with globally coupled variables, which pose great challenge for interactive applications. Local-global solvers developed in recent years can quickly compute an approximate solution to such problems, making them an attractive choice for applications that prioritize efficiency over accuracy. However, these solvers suffer from lower convergence rate, and may take a long time to compute an accurate result. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective technique to accelerate the convergence of such solvers. By treating each local-global step as a fixed-point iteration, we apply Anderson acceleration, a well-established technique for fixed-point solvers, to speed up the convergence of a local-global solver. To address the stability issue of classical Anderson acceleration, we propose a simple strategy to guarantee the decrease of target energy and ensure its global convergence. In addition, we analyze the connection between Anderson acceleration and quasi-Newton methods, and show that the canonical choice of its mixing parameter is suitable for accelerating local-global solvers. Moreover, our technique is effective beyond classical local-global solvers, and can be applied to iterative methods with a common structure. We evaluate the performance of our technique on a variety of geometry optimization and physics simulation problems. Our approach significantly reduces the number of iterations required to compute an accurate result, with only a slight increase of computational cost per iteration. Its simplicity and effectiveness makes it a promising tool for accelerating existing algorithms as well as designing efficient new algorithms.

Anderson Acceleration for Geometry Optimization and Physics Simulation

An Advection-Reflection Solver for Detail-Preserving Fluid Simulation

Jonas Zehnder, Rahul Narain, Bernhard Thomaszewski

Advection-projection methods for fluid animation are widely appreciated for their stability and efficiency. However, the projection step dissipates energy from the system, leading to artificial viscosity and suppression of small-scale details. We propose an alternative approach for detail-preserving fluid animation that is surprisingly simple and effective. We replace the energy-dissipating projection operator applied at the end of a simulation step by an energy-preserving reflection operator applied at mid-step.We show that doing so leads to two orders of magnitude reduction in energy loss, which in turn yields vastly improved detail-preservation. We evaluate our reflection solver on a set of 2D and 3D numerical experiments and show that it compares favorably to state-of-the-art methods. Finally, our method integrates seamlessly with existing projection-advection solvers and requires very little additional implementation.

An Advection-Reflection Solver for Detail-Preserving Fluid Simulation

Projective Skinning

Martin Komaritzan, Mario Botsch

We present a novel approach for physics-based character skinning. While maintaining real-time performance it overcomes the well-known artifacts of commonly used geometric skinning approaches, it enables dynamic effects, and it resolves local self-collisions. Our method is based on a two-layer model consisting of rigid bones and an elastic soft tissue layer. This volumetric model is easily and efficiently computed from an input surface mesh of the character and its underlying skeleton. In particular, our method neither requires skinning weights, which are often expensive to compute or tedious to hand-tune, nor a complex volumetric tessellation, which fails for many real-world input meshes due to self-intersections.

Projective Skinning

Interactive Two-Way Shape Design of Elastic Bodies

Rajaditya Mukherjee, Longhua Wu, Huamin Wang
We present a novel system for interactive elastic shape design in both forward and inverse fashions. Using this system, the user can choose to edit the rest shape or the quasistatic shape of an elastic solid, and obtain the other shape that matches under the quasistatic equilibrium condition at the same time. The development of this system is based on the discovery that inverse quasistatic simulation can be immediately solved by Newton’s method with a direct solver. To implement our simulator, we propose a Jacobian matrix evaluation scheme for the inverse elastic problem and we present step length and matrix evaluation techniques that improve the simulation performance. While our simulator is efficient, it is still not fast enough for the system to generate the result in real time. Our solution is a shape initialization method using the recent projective dynamics technique. Shape initialization not only works as a fast preview function during the user editing process, but also speeds up the convergence of quasistatic or inverse quasistatic simulation afterwards. The use of a heterogeneous algorithm structure allows the system to further reduce its preview cost, by utilizing the power of both the CPU and the GPU. Our experiment demonstrates that the whole system is fast, robust, and convenient for the designer to use in both forward and inverse elastic shape design. It can handle a variet of nonlinear elastic material models, and its runtime performance has space for more improvement.

Learning Nonlinear Soft-Tissue Dynamics for Interactive Avatars

Dan Casas, Miguel Otaduy

We present a novel method to enrich existing vertex-based human body models by adding soft-tissue dynamics. Our model learns to predict per-vertex 3D offsets, referred to as dynamic blendshapes, that reproduce nonlinear mesh deformation effects as a function of pose information. This enables the synthesis of realistic 3D mesh animations, including soft-tissue effects, using just skeletal motion. At the core of our method there is a neural network regressor trained on high-quality 4D scans from which we extract pose, shape and soft-tissue information. Our regressor uses a novel nonlinear subspace, which we build using an autoencoder, to efficiently compact soft-tissue dynamics information. Once trained, our method can be plugged to existing vertex-based skinning methods with little computational overhead (<10ms), enabling real-time nonlinear dynamics. We qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate our method, and show compelling animations with soft-tissue effects, created using publicly available motion capture datasets

Learning Nonlinear Soft-Tissue Dynamics for Interactive Avatars