Symposium on Computer Animation 2018

Liquid Splash Modeling with Neural Networks

Kiwon Um, Xiangyu Hu, Nils Thuerey

This paper proposes a new data-driven approach to model detailed splashes for liquid simulations with neural networks. Our model learns to generate small-scale splash detail for the fluid-implicit-particle method using training data acquired from physically parameterized, high resolution simulations. We use neural networks to model the regression of splash formation using a classifier together with a velocity modifier. For the velocity modification, we employ a heteroscedastic model. We evaluate our method for different spatial scales, simulation setups, and solvers. Our simulation results demonstrate that our model significantly improves visual fidelity with a large amount of realistic droplet formation and yields splash detail much more efficiently than finer discretizations.

Liquid Splash Modeling with Neural Networks

Turbulent Micropolar SPH Fluids with Foam

Jan Bender, Dan Koschier, Tassilo Kugelstadt, Marcel Weiler

In this paper we introduce a novel micropolar material model for the simulation of turbulent inviscid fluids. The governing equations are solved by using the concept of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). As already investigated in previous works, SPH fluid simulations suffer from numerical diffusion which leads to a lower vorticity, a loss in turbulent details and finally in less realistic results. To solve this problem we propose a micropolar fluid model. The micropolar fluid model is a generalization of the classical Navier-Stokes equations, which are typically used in computer graphics to simulate fluids. In contrast to the classical Navier-Stokes model, micropolar fluids have a microstructure and therefore consider the rotational motion of fluid particles. In addition to the linear velocity field these fluids also have a field of microrotation which represents existing vortices and provides a source for new ones. However, classical micropolar materials are viscous and the translational and the rotational motion are coupled in a dissipative way. Since our goal is to simulate turbulent fluids, we introduce a novel modified micropolar material for inviscid fluids with a non-dissipative coupling. Our model can generate realistic turbulences, is linear and angular momentum conserving, can be easily integrated in existing SPH simulation methods and its computational overhead is negligible. Another important visual feature of turbulent liquids is foam. Therefore, we present a post-processing method which considers microrotation in the foam particle generation. It works completely automatic and requires only one user-defined parameter to control the amount of foam.

Turbulent Micropolar SPH Fluids with Foam

An Implicit Frictional Contact Solver for Adaptive Cloth Simulation

Jie Li, Gilles Daviet, Rahul Narain, Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Matthew Overby, George Brown, Laurence Boissieux

Cloth dynamics plays an important role in the visual appearance of moving characters. Properly accounting for contact and friction is of utmost importance to avoid cloth-body and cloth-cloth penetration and to capture typical folding and stick-slip behavior due to dry friction. We present here the first method able to account for cloth contact with exact Coulomb friction, treating both cloth self-contacts and contacts occurring between the cloth and an underlying character. Our key contribution is to observe that for a nodal system like cloth, the frictional contact problem may be formulated based on velocities as primary variables, without having to compute the costly Delassus operator. Then, by reversing the roles classically played by the velocities and the contact impulses, conical complementarity solvers of the literature can be adapted to solve for compatible velocities at nodes. To handle the full complexity of cloth dynamics scenarios, we have extended this base algorithm in two ways: first, towards the accurate treatment of frictional contact at any location of the cloth, through an adaptive node refinement strategy; second, towards the handling of multiple constraints at each node, through the duplication of constrained nodes and the adding of pin constraints between duplicata. Our method allows us to handle the complex cloth-cloth and cloth-body interactions in full-size garments with an unprecedented level of realism compared to former methods, while maintaining reasonable computational timings.

An Implicit Frictional Contact Solver for Adaptive Cloth Simulation

Example-based turbulence style transfer

Syuhei Sato, Yoshinori Dobashi, T. Kim, and Tomoyuki Nishita

Generating realistic fluid simulations remains computationally expensive, and animators can expend enormous effort trying to achieve a desired motion. To reduce such costs, several methods have been developed in which high-resolution turbulence is synthesized as a post process. Since global motion can then be obtained using a fast, low-resolution simulation, less effort is needed to create a realistic animation with the desired behavior. While much research has focused on accelerating the low-resolution simulation, the problem controlling the behavior of the turbulent, high-resolution motion has received little attention. In this paper, we show that style transfer methods from image editing can be adapted to transfer the turbulent style of an existing fluid simulation onto a new one. We do this by extending example-based image synthesis methods to handle velocity fields using a combination of patch-based and optimization-based texture synthesis. Importantly, this approach allows us to incorporate the incompressibility condition. Using our method, a user can easily and intuitively create high-resolution fluid animations that have a desired turbulent motion.

Example-based turbulence style transfer

Hyper-Reduced Projective Dynamics

Christopher Brandt, Elmar Eisemann, Klaus Hildebrandt

We present a method for the real-time simulation of deformable objects that combines the robustness, generality, and high performance of Projective Dynamics with the efficiency and scalability offered by model reduction techniques. The method decouples the cost for time integration from the mesh resolution and can simulate large meshes in real-time. The proposed hyper-reduction of Projective Dynamics combines a novel fast approximation method for constraint projections and a scalable construction of sparse subspace bases. The resulting system achieves real-time rates for large subspaces enabling rich dynamics and can resolve general user interactions, collision constraints, external forces and changes to the materials. The construction of the hyper-reduced system does not require user-interaction and refrains from using training data or modal analysis, which results in a fast preprocessing stage.

Hyper-Reduced Projective Dynamics

Fast Penetration Volume for Rigid Bodies

Dan Nirel, Dani Lischinski

Handling collisions among a large number of bodies can be a performance bottleneck in video games and many other real-time applications. We present a new framework for detecting and resolving collisions using the penetration volume as an interpenetration measure. Given two non-convex polyhedral bodies, a new sampling paradigm locates their near-contact configurations in advance, and stores associated contact information in a compact database. At runtime, we retrieve a given configuration’s nearest neighbors. By taking advantage of the penetration volume’s continuity, cheap geometric methods can use the neighbors to estimate contact information as well as a translational gradient. This results in an extremely fast, geometry-independent, and trivially parallelizable computation, which constitutes the first global volume-based collision resolution. When processing multiple collisions simultaneously on a 4-core processor, the average running cost is as low as 5 microseconds. Furthermore, no additional proximity or contact-regions queries are required. These results are orders of magnitude faster than previous penetration volume approaches.

Fast Penetration Volume for Rigid Bodies

Extended Narrow Band FLIP for Liquid Simulations

Takahiro Sato, Chris Wojtan, Nils Thuerey, Takeo Igarashi, Ryoichi Ando

The Fluid Implicit Particle method (FLIP) reduces numerical dissipation by combining particles with grids. To improve performance, the subsequent narrow band FLIP method (NB-FLIP) uses a FLIP-based fluid simulation only near the liquid surface and a traditional grid-based fluid simulation away from the surface. This spatially-limited FLIP simulation significantly reduces the number of particles and alleviates a computational bottleneck. In this paper, we extend the NB-FLIP idea even further, by allowing a simulation to transition between a FLIP-like fluid simulation and a grid-based simulation in arbitrary locations, not just near the surface. This approach leads to even more savings in memory and computation, because we can concentrate the particles only in areas where they are needed. More importantly, this new method allows us to seamlessly transition to smooth implicit surface geometry wherever the particle-based simulation is unnecessary. Consequently, our method leads to a practical algorithm for avoiding the noisy surface artifacts associated with particle-based liquid simulations, while simultaneously maintaining the benefits of a FLIP simulation in regions of dynamic motion.

Extended Narrow Band FLIP for Liquid Simulations

Learning Three-Dimensional Flow for Interactive Aerodynamic Design

Nobuyuki Umetani, Bernd Bickel

We present a data-driven technique to instantly predict how fluid flows around various three-dimensional objects. Such simulation is useful for computational fabrication and engineering, but is usually computationally expensive since it requires solving the Navier-Stokes equation for many time steps. To accelerate the process, we propose a machine learning framework which predicts aerodynamic forces and velocity and pressure fields given a three-dimensional shape input. Handling detailed free-form three-dimensional shapes in a data-driven framework is challenging because machine learning approaches usually require a consistent parametrization of input and output. We present a novel PolyCube maps-based parametrization that can be computed for three-dimensional shapes at interactive rates. This allows us to efficiently learn the nonlinear response of the flow using a Gaussian process regression. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for the interactive design and optimization of a car body

Learning Three-Dimensional Flow for Interactive Aerodynamic Design

Scalable Laplacian Eigenfluids

Qiaodong Cui, Pradeep Sen, Theodore Kim

The Laplacian Eigenfunction method for fluid simulation, which we refer to as Eigenfluids, introduced an elegant new way to capture intricate fluid flows with near-zero viscosity. However, the approach does not scale well, as the memory cost grows prohibitively with the number of eigenfunctions. The method also lacks generality, because the dynamics are constrained to a closed box with Dirichlet boundaries, while open, Neumann boundaries are also needed in most practical scenarios. To address these limitations, we present a set of analytic eigenfunctions that supports uniform Neumann and Dirichlet conditions along each domain boundary, and show that by carefully applying the discrete sine and cosine transforms, the storage costs of the eigenfunctions can be made completely negligible. The resulting algorithm is both faster and more memory-efficient than previous approaches, and able to achieve lower viscosities than similar pseudo-spectral methods. We are able to surpass the scalability of the original Laplacian Eigenfunction approach by over two orders of magnitude when simulating rectangular domains. Finally, we show that the formulation allows forward scattering to be directed in a way that is not possible with any other method.

Scalable Laplacian Eigenfluids