A Time-Dependent Inclusion-Based Method for Continuous Collision Detection between Parametric Surfaces

Xuwen Chen, Cheng Yu, Xingyu Ni, Mengyu Chu, Bin Wang, Baoquan Chen

Continuous collision detection (CCD) between parametric surfaces is typically formulated as a five-dimensional constrained optimization problem. In the field of CAD and computer graphics, common approaches to solving this problem rely on linearization or sampling strategies. Alternatively,
inclusion-based techniques detect collisions by employing 5D inclusion functions, which are typically designed to represent the swept volumes of parametric surfaces over a given time span, and narrowing down the earliest collision moment through subdivision in both spatial and temporal dimensions. However, when high detection accuracy is required, all these approaches significantly increases computational consumption due to the high-dimensional searching space. In this work, we develop a new time-dependent inclusion-based CCD framework that eliminates the need for temporal subdivision and can speedup conventional methods by a factor ranging from 36 to 138. To achieve this, we propose a novel time-dependent inclusion function that provides a continuous representation of a moving surface, along with a corresponding intersection detection algorithm that quickly identifies the time intervals when collisions are likely to occur. We validate our method across various primitive types, demonstrate its efficacy within the simulation pipeline and show that it significantly improves CCD efficiency while maintaining accuracy.

A Time-Dependent Inclusion-Based Method for Continuous Collision Detection between Parametric Surfaces

gDist: Efficient Distance Computation between 3D Meshes on GPU

Peng Fang, Wei Wang, Ruofeng Tong, Hailong Li, Min Tang

Computing maximum/minimum distances between 3D meshes is crucial for various applications, i.e., robotics, CAD, VR/AR, etc. In this work, we introduce a highly parallel algorithm (gDist) optimized for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which is capable of computing the distance between two meshes with over 15 million triangles in less than 0.4 milliseconds. By testing on benchmarks with varying characteristics, the algorithm achieves remarkable speedups over prior CPU-based and GPU-based algorithms on a commodity GPU (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090). Notably, the algorithm consistently maintains high-speed performance, even in challenging scenarios that pose difficulties for prior algorithms.

gDist: Efficient Distance Computation between 3D Meshes on GPU

Polar Interpolants for Thin-Shell Microstructure Homogenization

Antoine Chan-Lock, Miguel A. Otaduy

This paper introduces a new formulation for material homogenization of thin-shell microstructures. It addresses important challenges that limit the quality of previous approaches: methods that fit the energy response neglect visual impact, methods that fit the stress response are not conservative, and all of them are limited to a low-dimensional interplay between deformation modes. The new formulation is rooted on the following design principles: the material energy functions are conservative by definition, they are formulated on the high-dimensional membrane and bending domain to capture the complex interplay of the different deformation modes, the material function domain is maximally aligned with the training data, and the material parameters and the optimization are formulated on stress instead of energy for better correlation with visual impact. The key novelty of our formulation is a new type of high-order RBF interpolant for polar coordinates, which allows us to fulfill all the design principles. We design a material function using this novel interpolant, as well as an overall homogenization workflow. Our results demonstrate very accurate fitting of diverse microstructure behaviors, both quantitatively and qualitatively superior to previous work.

Polar Interpolants for Thin-Shell Microstructure Homogenization

Tencers: Tension-Constrained Elastic Rods

Liliane-Joy Yana Dandy, Michele Vidulis, Yingying Ren, Mark Pauly

We study ensembles of elastic rods that are tensioned by a small set of inextensible cables. The cables induce forces that deform the initially straight, but flexible rods into 3D space curves at equilibrium. Rods can be open or closed, knotted, and arranged in arbitrary topologies. We specifically focus on equilibrium states with no contacts among rods. Our setup can thus be seen as a generalization of classical tensegrities that are composed of rigid rods and tensile cables, to also support rods that elastically deform. We show how this generalization leads to a rich design space, where complex target shapes can be achieved with a small set of elastic rods. To explore this space, we present an inverse design optimization algorithm that solves for the length and placement of cables such that the equilibrium state of the rod network best approximates a given set of input curves. We introduce appropriate sparsity terms to minimize the number of required cables, which significantly simplifies fabrication. Using our algorithm, we explore new classes of bending-active 3D structures, including elastic tensegrity knots that only require a few internal cables. We design and fabricate several physical models from basic materials that attain complex 3D shapes with unique structural properties.

Tencers: Tension-Constrained Elastic Rods

Optimized shock-protecting microstructures

Zizhou Huang, Daniele Panozzo, Denis Zorin

Mechanical shock is a common occurrence in various settings, there are two different scenarios for shock protection: catastrophic protection (e.g. car collisions and falls) and routine protection (e.g. shoe soles and mattresses). The former protects against one-time events, the latter against periodic shocks and loads. Common shock absorbers based on plasticity and fracturing materials are suitable for the former, while our focus is on the latter, where elastic structures are useful. Further, we optimize the effective elastic material properties which control the critical shock parameter, maximal stress, with energy dissipation by viscous forces assumed adequate. Improved elastic materials protecting against shock can be used in applications such as automotive suspension, furniture like sofas and mattresses, landing gear systems, etc. Materials offering optimal protection against shock have a highly non-linear elastic response: their reaction force needs to be as close as possible to constant with respect to deformation.
In this paper, we use shape optimization and topology search to design 2D families of microstructures approximating the ideal behavior across a range of deformations, leading to superior shock protection. We present an algorithmic pipeline for the optimal design of such families combining differentiable nonlinear homogenization with self-contact and an optimization algorithm. We validate the effectiveness of our advanced 2D designs by extruding and fabricating them with 3D printing technologies and performing material and drop testing.

Optimized shock-protecting microstructures

Computational Biomimetics of Winged Seeds

Qiqin Le, Jiamu Bu, Yanke Qu, Bo Zhu, Tao Du

We develop a computational pipeline to facilitate the biomimetic design of winged seeds. Our approach leverages 3D scans of natural winged seeds to construct a bio-inspired design space by interpolating them with geodesic coordinates in the 3D diffeomorphism group. We formulate aerodynamic design tasks with probabilistic performance objectives and adapt a gradient- free optimizer to explore the design space and minimize the expectation of performance objectives efficiently and effectively. Our pipeline discovers novel winged seed designs that outperform natural counterparts in aerodynamic tasks, including long-distance dispersal and guided flight. We validate the physical fidelity of our pipeline by showcasing paper models of selected winged seeds in the design space and reporting their similar aerodynamic behaviors in simulation and reality.

Computational Biomimetics of Winged Seeds

XPBI: Position-Based Dynamics with Smoothing Kernels Handles Continuum Inelasticity

Chang Yu, Xuan Li, Lei Lan, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang

PBD and its extension, XPBD, have been predominantly applied to compliant constrained elastodynamics, with their potential in finite strain (visco-) elastoplasticity remaining underexplored. XPBD is often perceived to stand in contrast to other meshless methods, such as the MPM. MPM is based on discretizing the weak form of governing partial differential equations within a continuum domain, coupled with a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian method for tracking deformation gradients. In contrast, XPBD formulates specific constraints, whether hard or compliant, to positional degrees of freedom. We revisit this perception by investigating the potential of XPBD in handling inelastic materials that are described with classical continuum mechanics-based yield surfaces and elastoplastic flow rules. Our inspiration is that a robust estimation of the velocity gradient is a sufficiently useful key to effectively tracking deformation gradients in XPBD simulations. By further incorporating implicit inelastic constitutive relationships, we introduce a plasticity in-the-loop updated Lagrangian augmentation to XPBD. This enhancement enables the simulation of elastoplastic, viscoplastic, and granular substances following their standard constitutive laws. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through high-resolution and real-time simulations of diverse materials such as snow, sand, and plasticine, and its integration with standard XPBD simulations of cloth and water.

XPBI: Position-Based Dynamics with Smoothing Kernels Handles Continuum Inelasticity

Barrier-Augmented Lagrangian for GPU-based Elastodynamic Contact

We propose a GPU-based iterative method for accelerated elastodynamic simulation with the log-barrier-based contact model. While Newton’s method is a conventional choice for solving the interior-point system, the presence of ill-conditioned log barriers often necessitates a direct solution at each linearized substep and costs substantial storage and computational overhead. Moreover, constraint sets that vary in each iteration present additional challenges in algorithm convergence. Our method employs a novel barrier-augmented Lagrangian method to improve system conditioning and solver efficiency by adaptively updating an augmentation constraint sets. This enables the utilization of a scalable, inexact Newton-PCG solver with sparse GPU storage, eliminating the need for direct factorization. We further enhance PCG convergence speed with a domain-decomposed warm start strategy based on an eigenvalue spectrum approximated through our in-time assembly. Demonstrating significant scalability improvements, our method makes simulations previously impractical on 128 GB of CPU memory feasible with only 8 GB of GPU memory and orders-of-magnitude faster. Additionally, our method adeptly handles stiff problems, surpassing the capabilities of existing GPU-based interior-point methods. Our results, validated across various complex collision scenarios involving intricate geometries and large deformations, highlight the exceptional performance of our approach.

Barrier-Augmented Lagrangian for GPU-based Elastodynamic Contact

Efficient GPU Cloth Simulation with Non-distance Barriers and Subspace Reuse

Lei Lan, Zixuan Lu, Jingyi Long, Chun Yuan, Xuan Li, Xiaowei He, Huamin Wang, Chenfanfu Jiang, Yin Yang

This paper pushes the performance of cloth simulation, making the simulation interactive even for high-resolution garment models while keeping every triangle untangled. The penetration-free guarantee is inspired by the interior point method, which converts the inequality constraints to barrier potentials. We propose a major overhaul of this modality within the projective dynamics framework by leveraging an adaptive weighting mechanism inspired by barrier formulation. This approach does not depend on the distance between mesh primitives, but on the virtual life span of a collision event and thus keeps all the vertices within feasible region. Such a non-distance barrier model allows a new way to integrate collision resolution into the simulation pipeline. Another contributor to the performance boost comes from the subspace reuse strategy. This is based on the observation that low-frequency strain propagation is near orthogonal to the deformation induced by collisions or self-collisions, often of high frequency. Subspace reuse then takes care of low-frequency residuals, while high-frequency residuals can also be effectively smoothed by GPU-based iterative solvers. We show that our method outperforms existing fast cloth simulators by at least one order while producing high-quality animations of high-resolution models.

Efficient GPU Cloth Simulation with Non-distance Barriers and Subspace Reuse

Volumetric Homogenization for Knitwear Simulation

Chun Yuan, Haoyang Shi, Lei Lan, Yuxing Qiu, Cem Yuksel, Huamin Wang, Chenfanfu Jiang, Kui Wu, Yin Yang

This paper presents volumetric homogenization, a spatially varying homogenization scheme for knitwear simulation. We are motivated by the observation that macro-scale fabric dynamics is strongly correlated with its underlying knitting patterns. Therefore, homogenization towards a single material is less effective when the knitting is complex and non-repetitive. Our method tackles this challenge by homogenizing the yarn-level material locally at volumetric elements. Assigning a virtual volume of a knitting structure enables us to model bending and twisting effects via a simple volume-preserving penalty and thus effectively alleviates the material nonlinearity. We employ an adjoint Gauss-Newton formulation to battle the dimensionality challenge of such per-element material optimization. This intuitive material model makes the forward simulation GPU-friendly. To this end, our pipeline also equips a novel domain-decomposed subspace solver crafted for GPU projective dynamics, which makes our simulator hundreds of times faster than the yarn-level simulator. Experiments validate the capability and effectiveness of volumetric homogenization. Our method produces realistic animations of knitwear matching the quality of full-scale yarn-level simulations. It is also orders of magnitude faster than existing homogenization techniques in both the training and simulation stages.

Volumetric Homogenization for Knitwear Simulation