Predictive-Corrective Incompressible SPH

We present a novel, incompressible fluid simulation method based on the Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model. In our method, incompressibility is enforced by using a prediction-correction scheme to determine the particle pressures. For this, the information about density fluctuations is actively propagated through the fluid and pressure values are updated until the targeted density […]

Modular Bases for Fluid Dynamics

We present a new approach to fluid simulation that balances the speed of model reduction with the flexibility of grid-based methods. We construct a set of composable reduced models, or tiles, which capture spatially localized fluid behavior. We then precompute coupling terms so that these models can be rearranged at runtime. To enforce consistency between […]

Interactive Simulation of Surgical Needle Insertion and Steering

We present algorithms for simulating and visualizing the insertion and steering of needles through deformable tissues for surgical training and planning. Needle insertion is an essential component of manyclinical procedures such as biopsies, injections, neurosurgery, and brachytherapy cancer treatment. The success of these procedures dependson accurate guidanceofthe needletiptoaclinical target while avoiding vital tissues. Needle insertion […]

Deforming Meshes that Split and Merge

We present a method for accurately tracking the moving surface of deformable materials in a manner that gracefully handles topological changes.We employ a Lagrangian surface tracking method, and we use a triangle mesh for our surface representation so that fine features can be retained. We make topological changes to the mesh by first identifying merging […]

Deformable Object Animation Using Reduced Optimal Control

Keyframe animation is a common technique to generate animations of deformable characters and other soft bodies. With spline interpolation, however, it can be difficult to achieve secondary motion effects such as plausible dynamics when there are thousands of degrees of freedom to animate. Physical methods can provide more realism with less user effort, but it […]

Preserving Topology and Elasticity for Embedded Deformable Models

In this paper we introduce a new approach for the embedding of linear elastic deformable models. Our technique results in significant improvements in the efficient physically based simulation of highly detailed objects. First, our embedding takes into account topological details, that is, disconnected parts that fall into the same coarse element are simulated independently. Second, […]

Numerical Coarsening of Inhomogeneous Elastic Materials

We propose an approach for efficiently simulating elastic objects made of non-homogeneous, non-isotropic materials. Based on recent developments in homogenization theory, a methodology is introduced to approximate a deformable object made of arbitrary fine structures of various linear elastic materials with a dynamically-similar coarse model. This coarsening of the material properties allows for simulation of […]

Energy-Preserving Integrators for Fluid Animation

Numerical viscosity has long been a problem in fluid animation. Existing methods suffer from intrinsic artificial dissipation and often apply complicated computational mechanisms to combat such effects. Consequently, dissipative behavior cannot be controlled or modeled explicitly in a manner independent of time step size, complicating the use of coarse previews and adaptive-time stepping methods. This […]

Co-rotated SPH for Deformable Solids

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a powerful technique for the animation of natural phenomena. While early SPH approaches in Computer Graphics have mainly been concerned with liquids or gases, recent research also focuses on the dynamics of deformable solids using SPH. In this paper, we present a novel corotational SPH formulation for deformable solids. The […]

Lie Group Integrators for Animation and Control of Vehicles

This paper is concerned with the animation and control of vehicles with complex dynamics such as helicopters, boats, and cars. Motivated by recent developments in discrete geometric mechanics we develop a general framework for integrating the dynamics of holonomic and nonholonomic vehicles by preserving their state-space geometry and motion invariants. We demonstrate that the resulting […]