A Multiscale Approach to Mesh-based Surface Tension

We present an approach to simulate flows driven by surface tension based on triangle meshes. Our method consists of two simulation layers: the first layer is an Eulerian method for simulating surface tension forces that is free from typical strict time step constraints. The second simulation layer is a Lagrangian finite element method that simulates […]

Unified Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids

We develop an accurate, unified treatment of elastica. Following the method of resultant-based formulation to its logical extreme, we derive a higher-order integration rule, or elaston, measuring stretching, shearing, bending, and twisting along any axis. The theory and accompanying implementation do not distinguish between forms of different dimension (solids, shells, rods), nor between manifold regions […]

SCA 2006

Physics-related papers from SCA 2006. The full list is available here, courtesy of Kesen-Huang. Detail-Preserving Fluid Control Keyframe control of complex particle systems using the adjoint method A Controllable, Fast and Stable Basis for Vortex Based Smoke Simulation Path-Based Control of Smoke Simulations Geometric, Variational Integrators for Computer Animation Fast Arbitrary Splitting of Deforming Objects […]

Eurographics 2008

Physics-oriented papers from Eurographics 2008. A Semi-Lagrangian CIP Fluid Solver without Dimensional Splitting A Fast Simulation Method Using Overlapping Grids for Interactions between Smoke and Rigid Objects An Adaptive Contact Model for the Robust Simulation of Knots Fluid in Video: Augmenting Real Video with Simulated Fluids Short papers: Identification of Dynamic Mass Spring Parameters for […]

SCA 2007

Still filling in some older collections… Kesen maintains a complete list here. Legendre Fluids: A Unified Framework for Analytic Reduced Space Modeling and Rendering of Participating Media A Simple Boiling Module CORDE: Cosserat Rod Elements for the Dynamic Simulation of One-Dimensional Elastic Objects Arbitrary cutting of deformable tetrahedralized objects Hybrid Simulation of Deformable Solids Cubic […]

Eurographics 2009 papers

Looking backwards again… Kesen’s full page is here. Linear-Time Super-Helices Physically Guided Animation of Trees Wind Projection Basis for Real-Time Animation of Trees Mixing Fluids and Granular Materials Hydraulic Erosion Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation of two-phase flow with sub-scale droplet and bubble effects Scalable Real-Time Animation of Rivers Implicit Contact Handling for Deformable Objects […]

SIGGRAPH 2006 papers

I noticed today that I’d catalogued physics papers from conferences between 2007 and the present, and that Simon Clavet had catalogued a large number of physics papers from various conferences prior to 2006, with some going back as far as 1992.  So in the interests of completeness, I thought I’d fill in a list for […]

Eurographics 2007

Physics papers from Eurographics 2007: Real-Time Simulation of Thin Shells A Finite Element Method on Convex Polyhedra Textured Liquids with the Marker Level Set

Tetrahedral Embedded Boundary Methods for Accurate and Flexible Adaptive Fluids

When simulating fluids, tetrahedral methods provide flexibility and ease of adaptivity that Cartesian grids find difficult to match. However, this approach has so far been limited by two conflicting requirements. First, accurate simulation requires quality Delaunay meshes and the use of circumcentric pressures. Second, meshes must align with potentially complex moving surfaces and boundaries, necessitating […]

Improved Variational Guiding of Smoke Animations

Smoke animations are hard to art-direct because simple changes in parameters such as simulation resolution often lead to unpredictable changes in the final result. Previous work has addressed this problem with a guiding approach which couples low-resolution simulations – that exhibit the desired flow and behaviour – to the final, high-resolution simulation. This is done […]