SIGGRAPH 2010 papers

Kesen’s page of 2010 SIGGRAPH papers is up. Here’s the list of SIGGRAPH 2010 physics-based animation papers to appear so far: Subspace Self-Collision Culling Star-Contours for Efficient Hierarchical Self-Collision Detection Efficient Yarn-based Cloth with Adaptive Contact Linearization Physics-Inspired Topology Changes for Thin Fluid Features A Multiscale Approach to Mesh-based Surface Tension Flows A Practical Simulation […]

SCA 2010 papers

The full list of accepted papers for SCA 2010 has been posted, and Ke-Sen’s collection is here.  Here’s the physics ones: Linear-Time Dynamics for Multibody Systems with General Joint Models Constraint-Based Simulation of Adhesive Contact Point Cloud Glue: Constraining simulations using the Procrustes transform Interactive SPH Simulation and Rendering on the GPU Real-Time Simulation of […]

Enhancing Fluid Animation with Adaptive, Controllable, and Intermittent Turbulence

This paper proposes a new scheme for enhancing fluid animation with controllable turbulence. An existing fluid simulation from ordinary fluid solvers is fluctuated by turbulent variation modeled as a random process of forcing. The variation is precomputed as a sequence of solenoidal noise vector fields directly in the spectral domain, which is fast and easy […]

FASTCD: Fracturing-Aware Stable Collision Detection

We present a collision detection (CD) method for complex and large-scale fracturing models that have geometric and topological changes. We first propose a novel dual-cone culling method to improve the performance of CD, especially self-collision detection among fracturing models. Our dual-cone culling method has a small computational overhead and a conservative algorithm. Combined with bounding […]

Underwater Cloth Simulation with Fractional Derivatives

We introduce the use of fractional differentiation for simulating cloth de formations underwater. The proposed approach is able to achieve realistic underwater deformations without simulating the Eulerian body of water in which the cloth is immersed. Instead, we propose a particle-based cloth model where half-derivative viscoelastic elements are included for describing both the internal and […]

Volume Contact Constraints at Arbitrary Resolution

We introduce a new method for simulating frictional contact between volumetric objects using interpenetration volume constraints. When applied to complex geometries, our formulation results in dramatically simpler systems of equations than those of traditional mesh contact models. Contact between highly detailed meshes can be simplified to a single unilateral constraint equation, or accurately processed at […]

Subspace Self-Collision Culling

We show how to greatly accelerate self-collision detection (SCD) for reduced deformable models. Given a triangle mesh and a set of deformation modes, our method precomputes Subspace Self-Collision Culling (SSCC) certificates which, if satisfied, prove the absence of self-collisions for large parts of the model. At runtime, bounding volume hierarchies augmented with our certificates can […]

Example-Based Wrinkle Synthesis for Clothing Animation

This paper describes a method for animating the appearance of clothing, such as pants or a shirt, that fits closely to a figure’s body. Compared to flowing cloth, such as loose dresses or capes, these types of garments involve nearly continuous collision contact and small wrinkles, that can be troublesome for traditional cloth simulation methods. […]

Star-Contours for Efficient Hierarchical Self-Collision Detection

Collision detection is a problem that has often been addressed efficiently with the use of hierarchical culling data structures. In the subproblem of self-collision detection for triangle meshes, however, such hierarchical data structures lose much of their power, because triangles adjacent to each other cannot be distinguished from actually colliding ones unless individually tested. Shape […]

Physics-Inspired Topology Changes for Thin Fluid Features

We propose a mesh-based surface tracking method for fluid animation that both preserves fine surface details and robustly adjusts the topology of the surface in the presence of arbitrarily thin features like sheets and strands. We replace traditional re-sampling methods with a convex hull method for connecting surface features during topological changes. This technique permits […]