SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 papers

Here are the physics-animation related SIGGRAPH Asia papers announced far, and I’ll be adding more as they come out. See Ke-Sen Huang’s page for the broader list. Adaptive Anisotropic Remeshing for Cloth Simulation Large-Scale Fluid Simulation using Velocity-Vorticity Domain Decomposition Staggered Meshless Solid-Fluid Coupling Automated Constraint Placement to Maintain Pile Shape Speculative Parallel Asynchronous Contact […]

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SCA 2012

Full papers: Energetically Consistent Invertible Elasticity Enriching Virtual Elastic Objects with High-Resolution Data-Driven Deformations Controlling Liquids Using Meshes Mass-Conserving Eulerian Liquid Simulation Physically-Plausible Simulation for Character Animation Efficient Simulation of Example-Based Materials Multilinear Data-Driven Dynamic Hair Model with  Efficient Hair-Body Collision Handling Simulating Free Surface Flow with Very Large Time Steps Efficient Collision Handling for […]

Eurographics 2011

Catching up on a collection I had never assembled… Langevin Particle: A Self-Adaptive Lagrangian Primitive for Flow Simulation Enhancement STAR: Interactive Character Animation using Simulated Physics


Ke-Sen’s steadily growing list of SIGGRAPH 2012 papers is here. Below is the subset of physics-based animation papers… SIGGRAPH papers: Continuous Penalty Forces Energy-Based Self-Collision Culling for Arbitrary Mesh Deformations Discrete Viscous Sheets Animating Bubble Interactions in a Liquid Foam Interactive Editing of Deformable Simulations Underwater Rigid Body Dynamics Efficient Geometrically Exact Continuous Collision Detection […]

Eurographics 2012

There are some Eurographics 2012 papers on physics-based animation topics… Explicit Mesh Surfaces for Particle Based Fluids Super-Clothoids Data-Driven Estimation of Cloth Simulation Models Computational Design of Rubber Balloons STAR reports: Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics

PhD Theses

Efficient Computational Methods for Phyically-Based Simulation – Bernhard Thomaszewski, Tuebingen Practical Methods for Simulation of Compressible Flow and Structure Interactions – Nipun Kwatra, Stanford Coupled Simulation of Deformable Solids, Rigid Bodies, and Fluids – Craig Schroeder, Stanford Strand-Based Musculotendon Simulation of the Hand – Shinjiro Sueda, UBC Eulerian Geometric Discretizations of Manifolds and Dynamics – Patrick […]

VRIPhys 2011 papers

The program for VRIPHYS 2011 is up, which includes the following physics-related papers: Simulating inextensible cloth using locking-free triangle meshes Adding physics to animated characters using oriented particles Focused ultrasound – Efficient GPU simulation methods for therapy planning Time adaptive approximate SPH Real-time simulation of stiff threads using large timesteps Interactive high-resolution boundary surfaces for […]

SIGGRAPH Asia 2011

The subset of physics-based animation papers includes: Pattern-Guided Smoke Animation with Lagrangian Coherent Structure A Hybrid Iterative Solver for Robustly Capturing Coulomb Friction in Hair Dynamics Sketch-Based Dynamic Illustration of Fluid Systems

SCA 2011

The draft program for SCA 2011 is online here. Ke-Sen Huang maintains links to the full set of papers here.  Many of the papers involve physical simulation, including: Physics-based Character Skinning using Multi-Domain Subspace Deformations A Multigrid Fluid Pressure Solver Handling Separating Solid Boundary Conditions Mass and Momentum Conservation for Fluid Simulation Mathematical Foundation of […]