SIGGRAPH 2014 papers

Here they are thus far: Multimaterial Mesh-Based Surface Tracking Blending Liquids Adaptive Tearing and Cracking of Thin Sheets Codimensional Surface Tension Flow on Simplicial Complexes Defending Continuous Collision Detection Against Errors Physics-Inspired Adaptive Fracture Refinement Detailed Water with Coarse Grids: Combining Surface Meshes and  Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Smoke Rings from Smoke Projective Dynamics: Fusing Constraint Projections […]


Papers: Physically-based Human Neck Simulation Physically based character skinning Tridiagonal Matrix Factorization for Inextensible Hair Strand Simulation Parallel Collision Detection in Constant Time Connective Tissues Simulation on GPU Multi-level Cloth Simulation using GPU Surface Sampling Exploring the use of Adaptive Restrained Particles for Graphics Simulations

Eurographics 2014

Kesen’s full list is here. Papers: Efficient Enforcement of Hard Articulation Constraints in the Presence of Closed Loops and Contacts IISPH-FLIP for Incompressible Fluids Efficient GPU Data Structures and Methods to Solve Sparse Linear Systems in Dynamics Applications STAR: Physically-based Simulation of Cuts in Deformable Bodies: A Survey SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics

SIGGRAPH Asia 2013

Ke-Sen’s full list here. Without further ado: Physics-based Animation of Large-scale Splashing Liquids Fast Simulation of Mass-Spring Systems Inverse Dynamic Hair Modeling with Frictional Contacts Versatile Surface Tension and Adhesion for SPH Fluids Efficient Penetration Depth Approximation using Active Learning Simulation and Control of Skeleton-Driven Soft Body Characters An Efficient Construction of Reduced Deformable Objects […]

Eurographics 2013

Better late than never! A Novel Projection Technique with Detail Capture and Shape Correction for Smoke Simulation A Particle-Grid Method for Opaque Ice Formation Geometry-Aware Volume-of-Fluid Method   STAR report: Position-based Methods for the Simulation of Solid Objects in Computer Graphics

SCA 2013

The SCA 2013 program is up. Physics animation papers… Full papers: Chimera Grids for Water Simulation Integrated Model for Surface Effects in SPH-based Fluid Simulation A Level Set Method for Ductile Fracture Artistic Simulation of Curly Hair Efficient Simulation of Secondary Motion in Rig-Space A Hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation for Bubble Generation and Dynamics   Short […]

SIGGRAPH 2013 Papers

SIGGRAPH 2013 papers are starting to sprout up online. As always, Ke-Sen Huang’s full list is available here. Drop me a line if you know of any relevant physics animation-related papers I’m missing so far. Liquid Surface Tracking with Error Compensation Highly Adaptive Liquid Simulation on Tetrahedral Meshes Real-Time Dynamic Fracture with Volumetric Approximate Convex […]

Sci-Tech Oscars

The Oscars for Scientific and Technical Achievement were announced recently, and among them are a pair of tools for physics-based animation: To Theodore Kim, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross and Doug James for the invention, publication and dissemination of Wavelet Turbulence software. This technique allowed for fast, art–directable creation of highly detailed gas simulation, making it easier for the artist to control […]

VriPhys 2012

Physics animation papers at VriPhys: An implicit Tensor-Mass solver on the GPU High-Resolution Simulation of Granular Material with SPH An Efficient Surface Reconstruction Pipeline for Particle-Based Fluids Efficient Breast Deformation Simulation Efficient Cloth Simulation Using An Adaptive Finite Element Method A Packed Memory Array To Keep Moving Particles Sorted Real-Time Hair Simulation with Efficient Hair […]

PhD Thesis

Changxi Zheng, Cornell: Physics-Based Sound Rendering for Computer Animation