SCA 2015

Symposium on Computer Animation, 2015 edition: Illuminating Ideas! A new sharp-crease bending element for folding and wrinkling surfaces and volumes Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkling of Coarse Animated Cloth Fully Momentum-Conserving Reduced Deformable Bodies with Collision, Contact, Articulation, and Skinning Efficient Simulation of Knitted Cloth Using Persistent Contacts Multifarious Hierarchies of Mechanical Models for Artist Assigned Level-of-Detail […]

Nonlinear Material Design Using Principal Stretches

Hongyi Xu, Funshing Sin, Yufeng Zhu, Jernej Barbic The Finite Element Method is widely used for solid deformable object simulation in film, computer games, virtual reality and medicine. Previous applications of nonlinear solid elasticity employed materials from a few standard families such as linear corotational, nonlinear St.Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean, Ogden or Mooney-Rivlin materials. However, the spaces […]

GRIDiron: An interactive authoring and cognitive training foundation for reconstructive plastic surgery procedures

Nathan Mitchell, Court Cutting, Eftychios Sifakis We present an interactive simulation framework for authoring surgical procedures of soft tissue manipulation using physics-based simulation to animate the flesh. This interactive authoring tool can be used by clinical educators to craft three-dimensional illustrations of the intricate maneuvers involved in craniofacial repairs, in contrast to two-dimensional sketches and still photographs which are the medium […]

Restoring the Missing Vortices in Advection-Projection Fluid Solvers

Xinxin Zhang, Robert Bridson, Chen Greif Most visual effects fluid solvers use a time-splitting approach where velocity is first advected in the flow, then projected to be incompressible with pressure. Even if a highly accurate advection scheme is used, the self-advection step typically transfers some kinetic energy from divergence-free modes into divergent modes, which are […]


It’s my favourite time of the year. Stay tuned for more simulation paper links as they appear. As usual, see Ke-Sen Huang’s page for the full list. A Stream Function Solver for Liquid Simulations Power Particles: An incompressible fluid solver based on power diagrams Double Bubbles Sans Toil and Trouble: Discrete Circulation-Preserving Vortex Sheets for Soap Films and […]

Eurographics 2015

Physics-based animation papers at Eurographics 2015: A Dimension-reduced Pressure Solver for Liquid Simulations Implicit Formulation for SPH-based Viscous Fluids Scalable Partitioning for Parallel Position Based Dynamics A Cut-Cell Geometric Multigrid Poisson Solver for Fluid Simulation Real-Time Subspace Integration for Example-Based Elastic Material

SIGGRAPH Asia 2014

The SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 collection includes: Yarn-level Simulation of Woven Cloth A PPPM Fast Summation Method for Fluids and Beyond Fast and Exact Continuous Collision Detection with Bernstein Sign Classification SPGrid: A Sparse Paged Grid Structure Applied to Adaptive Smoke Simulation Windy Trees: Computing Stress Response for Developmental Tree Models   Transactions on Graphics, to […]

Vriphys 2014

I’ve been slow in getting this list together, so without further ado: Continuous Collision Detection Between Points and Signed Distance Fields Massively Parallel Batch Neural Gas for Bounding Volume Hierarchy Construction Massively-Parallel Proximity Queries for Point Clouds Efficient Transfer of Contact-Point Local Deformations in Data-Driven Simulations Using Hermitian Moments A unified topological-physical model for adaptive refinement […]

Position-Based Elastic Rods

Nobuyuki Umetani, Ryan Schmidt, Jos Stam We present a novel method to simulate complex bending and twisting of elastic rods. Elastic rods are commonly simulated using force based methods, such as the finite element method. These methods are accurate, but do not directly fit into the more efficient position-based dynamics framework, since the definition of […]

SCA 2014

Physical simulation papers: Ocean Waves Animation using Boundary Integral Equations and Explicit Mesh Tracking View-Dependent Adaptive Cloth Simulation Adaptive Tetrahedral Meshes for Brittle Fracture Simulation Strain Based Dynamics Coupling 3D Eulerian, Height Field and Particle Methods for the Simulation of Large Scale Liquid Phenomena Position-based Elastic Rods Optimization Integrator for Large Time Steps Stable Orthotropic […]