CD-MPM: Continuum Damage Material Point Methods for Dynamic Fracture Animation

Joshuah Wolper, Yu Fang, Minchen Li, Jiecong Lu, Ming Gao, Chenfanfu Jiang We present two new approaches for animating dynamic fracture involving large elastoplastic deformation. In contrast to traditional mesh-based tech- niques, where sharp discontinuity is introduced to split the continuum at crack surfaces, our methods are based on Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) with a […]

Anisotropic elasticity for inversion-safety and element rehabilitation

Ted Kim, Fernando de Goes, Hayley Iben We present an analysis of anisotropic hyperelasticity, specifically transverse isotropy, that obtains closed-form expressions for the eigendecompositions of many common energies. We then use these to build fast and concise Newton implementations. We leverage our analysis in two separate applications. First, we show that existing anisotropic energies are […]


Anisotropic Elasticity for Inversion-Safety and Element Rehabilitation CD-MPM: Continuum Damage Material Point Methods for Dynamic Fracture Animation Silly Rubber: An Implicit Material Point Method for Simulating Non-equilibrated Viscoelastic and Elastoplastic Solids Decomposed Optimization Time Integrator for Large-Step Elastodynamics Efficient and Conservative Fluids Using Bidirectional Mapping On Bubble Rings and Ink Chandeliers Mixing Sauces: A Viscosity […]

A Geometrically Consistent Viscous Fluid Solver with Two-Way Fluid-Solid Coupling

Tetsuya Takahashi, Ming C. Lin. We present a grid-based fluid solver for simulating viscous materials and their interactions with solid objects. Our method formulates the implicit viscosity integration as a minimization problem with consistently estimated volume fractions to account for the sub-grid details of free surfaces and solid boundaries. To handle the interplay between fluids […]

Efficient block pivoting for multibody simulations with contact

Andreas Enzenhoefer, Nicolas Lefebvre, Sheldon Andrews Simulating stiff physical systems is a requirement for numerous computer graphics applications, such as VR training for heavy equipment operation. However, iterative linear solvers often perform poorly in such cases, and direct methods involving a factorization of the system matrix are typically preferred for accurate and stable simulations. This […]

Aura Projection for Scalable Real-Time Physics

Alexander Brown, Gary Ushaw, Graham Morgan In this paper we propose a solution to delivering scalable real-time physics simulations. Although high performance computing simulations of physics related problems do exist, these are not real-time and do not model the real-time intricate interactions of rigid bodies for visual effect common in video games (favouring accuracy over […]

Penalty Force for Coupling Materials with Coulomb Friction

Ounan Ding, Craig Schroeder We propose a novel penalty force to enforce contacts with accurate Coulomb friction. The force is compatible with fully-implicit time integration and the use of optimization-based integration. The contact force is quite general. In addition to processing collisions between deformable objects, the force can be used to couple rigid bodies to […]

Decoupling Simulation Accuracy from Mesh Quality

Teseo Schneider, Yixin Hu, Jeremie Dumas, Xifeng Gao, Daniele Panozzo, Denis Zorin For a given PDE problem, three main factors affect the accuracy of FEM solutions: basis order, mesh resolution, and mesh element quality. The first two factors are easy to control, while controlling element shape quality is a challenge, with fundamental limitations on what […]

SIGGRAPH Asia 2018

GPU Optimization of Material Point Methods Hybrid Grains: Adaptive Coupling of Discrete and Continuum Simulations of Granular Media Decoupling Simulation Accuracy from Mesh Quality Real-Time Viscous Thin Films I-Cloth: Incremental Collision Handling for GPU-Based Interactive Cloth Simulation Accurate Dissipative Forces in Optimization Integrators Inverse Elastic Shell Design with Contact and Friction Inexact Descent Methods for […]

Mechanical Characterization of Structured Sheet Materials

Christian Schumacher, Steve Marschner, Markus Gross, Bernhard Thomaszewski We propose a comprehensive approach to characterizing the mechanical properties of structured sheet materials, i.e., planar rod networks whose mechanics and aesthetics are inextricably linked. We establish a connection between the complex mesoscopic deformation behavior of such structures and their macroscopic elastic properties through numerical homogenization. Our […]