Homogenized Yarn-Level Cloth

Georg Sperl, Rahul Narain, Chris Wojtan We present a method for animating yarn-level cloth effects using a thin-shell solver. We accomplish this through numerical homogenization: we first use a large number of yarn-level simulations to build a model of the potential energy density of the cloth and then use this energy density function to compute […]

A Model for Soap Film Dynamics with Evolving Thickness

Sadashige Ishida*, Peter Synak*, Fumiya Narita, Toshiya Hachisuka, Chris Wojtan Previous research on animations of soap bubbles, films, and foams largely focuses on the motion and geometric shape of the bubble surface. These works neglect the evolution of the bubble’s thickness, which is normally responsible for visual phenomena like surface vortices, Newton’s interference patterns, capillary […]

Fast and Scalable Turbulent Flow Simulation with Two-Way Coupling

Wei Li, Yixin Chen, Mathieu Desbrun, Changxi Zheng, Xiaopei Liu Despite their cinematic appeal, turbulent flows involving fluid-solid coupling remain a computational challenge in animation. At the root of the current limitation is the numerical dispersion from which most accurateNavier-Stokes solvers suffer: proper coupling between fluid and solid often generates artificial dispersion in the form […]

Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-rate MPM Stepping

Xinlei Wang*, Minchen Li*, Yu Fang, Xinxin Zhang, Ming Gao, Min Tang, Danny M. Kaufman, Chenfanfu Jiang We propose Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration (HOT) for efficient implicit time-stepping of the Material Point Method (MPM) irrespective of simulated materials and conditions. HOT is an MPM-specialized hierarchical optimization algorithm that solves nonlinear time step problems for large-scale […]

Constraint Bubbles and Affine Regions: Reduced Fluid Models for Efficient Immersed Bubbles and Flexible Spatial Coarsening

Ryan Goldade, Mridul Aanjaneya, Christopher Batty We propose to enhance the capability of standard free-surface flow simulators with efficient support for immersed bubbles through two new models: constraint-based bubbles and affine fluid regions. Unlike its predecessors, our constraint-based model entirely dispenses with the need for advection or projection inside zero-density bubbles, with extremely modest additional […]

Medial Elastics:Efficient and Collision-ready Deformation via Medial Axis Transform

Lei Lan, Ran Luo, Marco Fratarcangeli, Weiwei Xu, Huamin Wang, Xiaohu Guo, Junfeng Yao, Yin Yang We propose a framework for the interactive simulation of nonlinear de-formable objects. The primary feature of our system is the seamless integration of deformable simulation and collision culling, which are often independently handled in existing animation systems. The bridge […]

Robust Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Rods

Rosa M. Sánchez-Banderas, Alejandro Rodríguez, Héctor Barreiro, Miguel A. Otaduy This paper introduces a method to simulate complex rod assemblies and stacked layers with implicit contact handling, through Eulerian-on-Lagrangian (EoL) discretizations. Previous EoL methods fail to handle such complex situations, due to ubiquitous and intrinsic degeneracies in the contact geometry, which prevent the use of […]

Simulation of Dendritic Painting

José A. Canabal, Miguel A. Otaduy, Byungmoon Kim, Jose Echevarria We present a new system for interactive dendritic painting. Dendritic painting is characterized by the unique and intricate branching patterns that grow from the interaction of inks, solvents and medium. Painting sessions thus become very dynamic and experimental. To achieve a compelling simulation of this […]

Eurographics 2020

Local Bases for Model-Reduced Smoke Simulation Displacement-Correlated XFEM for Simulating Brittle Fracture Mixing Yarns and Triangles in Cloth Simulation Binary Ostensibly-Implicit Trees for Fast Collision Detection A Practical Method for Animating Anisotropic Elastoplastic Materials Fast and Scalable Solvers for the Fluid Pressure Equations with Separating Solid Boundary Conditions Simulation of Dendritic Painting SoftSMPL: Data-driven Modeling […]

Local Bases for Model-reduced Smoke Simulations

Olivier Mercier, Derek Nowrouzezahrai We present a flexible model reduction method for simulating incompressible fluids. We derive a novel vector field basis composed of localized basis flows that have simple analytic forms and can be tiled on regular lattices, avoiding the use of complicated data structures or neighborhood queries. Local basis flow interactions can be […]