Chemomechanical Simulation of Soap Film Flow on Spherical Bubbles

Weizhen Huang, Julian Iseringhausen, Tom Kneiphof, Ziyin Qu, Chenfanfu Jiang, Matthias B. Hullin Soap bubbles are widely appreciated for their fragile nature and their colorful appearance. The natural sciences and, in extension, computer graphics, have comprehensively studied the mechanical behavior of films and foams, as well as the optical properties of thin liquid layers. In […]

Fast Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild

Yixin Hu, Teseo Schneider, Bolun Wang, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo We propose a new tetrahedral meshing method, fTetWild, to convert triangle soups into high-quality tetrahedral meshes. Our method builds on the TetWild algorithm, replacing the rational triangle insertion with a new incremental approach to construct and optimize the output mesh, interleaving triangle insertion and mesh […]

Incremental Potential Contact: Intersection- and Inversion-free, Large-Deformation Dynamic

Minchen Li, Zachary Ferguson, Teseo Schneider, Timothy Langlois, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo, Chenfanfu Jiang, Danny M. Kaufman Contacts weave through every aspect of our physical world, from daily household chores to acts of nature. Modeling and predictive computation of these phenomena for solid mechanics is important to every discipline concerned with the motion of mechanical […]

N-Dimensional Rigid Body Dynamics

Marc ten Bosch I present a formulation for Rigid Body Dynamics that is independent of the dimension of the space. I describe the state and equations of motion of rigid bodies using geometric algebra. Using collision detection algorithms extended to nD I resolve collisions and contact between bodies. My implementation is 4D, but the techniques […]

Projective Dynamics with Dry Frictional Contact

Mickael Ly, Jean Jouve, Laurence Boissieux, Florence Bertails-Descoubes Projective dynamics was introduced a few years ago as a fast method to yield an approximate yet stable solution to the dynamics of nodal systems subject to stiff internal forces. Previous attempts to include contact forces in that framework considered adding a quadratic penalty energy to the […]

NASOQ: Numerically Accurate Sparsity-Oriented QP Solver

Kazem Cheshmi, Danny M. Kaufman, Shoaib Kamil, Maryam Mehri Dehnavi Quadratic programs (QP), minimizations of quadratic objectives subject to linear inequality and equality constraints, are at the heart of algorithms across scientific domains. Applications include fundamental tasks in geometry processing, simulation, engineering, animation, and finance where the accurate, reliable, efficient, and scalable solution of QP […]

VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing Without Clipping

Ahmed Abdelkader, Chandrajit Bajaj, Mohamed Ebeida, Ahmed Mahmoud, Scott Mitchell, John Owens, Ahmad Rushdi Polyhedral meshes are increasingly becoming an attractive option with particular advantages over traditional meshes for certain applications. What has been missing is a robust polyhedral meshing algorithm that can handle broad classes of domains exhibiting arbitrary curved boundaries and sharp features. […]

A Massively Parallel and Scalable Multi-GPU Material Point Method

Xinlei Wang*, Yuxing Qiu* (equal contributions), Stuart Slattery, Yu Fang, Minchen Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Yixin Zhu, Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Chenfanfu Jiang Harnessing the power of modern multi-GPU architectures, we present a massively parallel simulation system based on the Material Point Method (MPM) for simulating physical behaviors of materials undergoing complex topological changes, self-collision, and […]

Lagrangian Neural Style Transfer for Fluids

Byungsoo Kim, Vinicius C. Azevedo, Markus Gross, Barbara Solenthaler Artistically controlling the shape, motion and appearance of fluid simulations pose major challenges in visual effects production. In this paper, we present a neural style transfer approach from images to 3D fluids formulated in a Lagrangian viewpoint. Using particles for style transfer has unique benefits compared […]


Homogenized Yarn-Level Cloth A Model for Soap Film Dynamics with Evolving Thickness Fast and Scalable Turbulent Flow Simulation with Two-Way Coupling Constraint Bubbles and Affine Regions: Reduced Fluid Models for Efficient Immersed Bubbles and Flexible Spatial Coarsening Robust Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Rods Lagrangian Neural Style Transfer for Fluids NASOQ: Numerically Accurate Sparsity-Oriented QP Solver A Massively Parallel […]