Visual Simulation of Soil-Structure Destruction with Seepage Flows

Xu Wang, Makoto Fujisawa, Masahiko Mikawa This paper introduces a method for simulating soil-structure coupling with water, which involves a series of visual effects, including wet granular materials, seepage flows, capillary action between grains, and dam breaking simulation. We develop a seepage flow based SPH-DEM framework to handle soil and water particles interactions through a […]

Neural UpFlow: A Scene Flow Learning Approach to Increase the Apparent Resolution of Particle-Based Liquids

Bruno Roy, Pierre Poulin, Eric Paquette We present a novel up-resing technique for generating high-resolution liquids based on scene flow estimation using deep neural networks. Our approach infers and synthesizes small- and large-scale details solely froma low-resolution particle-based liquid simulation. The proposed networkleverages neighborhood contributions to encode inherent liquid propertiesthroughout convolutions. We also propose a […]

Volume Preserving Simulation of Soft Tissue with Skin

Seung Heon Sheen, Egor Larionov, Dinesh K. Pai Simulation of human soft tissues in contact with their environment is essential in many fields, including visual effects and apparel design. Biological tissues are nearly incompressible. However, standard methodsemploy compressible elasticity models and achieve incompressibility indirectly by setting Poisson’s ratio to be close to 0.5. This approach […]

Coupling Friction with Visual Appearance

Sheldon Andrews, Loic Nassif, Kenny Erleben, Paul Kry We present a novel meso-scale model for computing anisotropic and asymmetric friction for contacts in rigid body simulations that is based on surface facet orientations. The main idea behind our approach is to compute a direction dependent friction coefficient that is determined by an object’s roughness. Specifically, […]

Fast Corotated Elastic SPH Solids with Implicit Zero-Energy Mode Control

Tassilo Kugelstadt, Jan Bender, José Antonio Fernández-Fernández, Stefan Rhys Jeske, Fabian Löschner and Andreas Longva We develop a new operator splitting formulation for the simulation of corotated linearly elastic solids with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Based on the technique of Kugelstadt et al. [2018] originally devel-oped for the Finite Element Method (FEM), we split the […]

DiffPD: Differentiable Projective Dynamics

Tao Du, Kui Wu, Pingchuan Ma, Sebastien Wah, Andrew Spielberg, Daniela Rus, Wojciech Matusik We present a novel, fast differentiable simulator for soft-body learning and control applications. Existing differentiable soft-body simulators can be classified into two categories based on their time integration methods: Simulators using explicit time-stepping scheme require tiny time steps to avoid numerical […]

Ships, Splashes, and Waves on a Vast Ocean

Libo Huang, Ziyin Qu, Xun Tan, Xinxin Zhang, Dominik L. Michels, Chenfanfu Jiang The simulation of large open water surface is challenging for a uniform volumetric discretization of the Navier-Stokes equation. The water splashes near moving objects, which height field methods for water waves cannot capture, necessitates high resolution simulation such as the Fluid-Implicit-Particle (FLIP) […]

Eurographics 2021

Honey I Shrunk the Domain: Reduced Domain Decomposition for Efficient Optimization of Fluids Two-step Temporal Interpolation Network using Forward-advection for Efficient Smoke Simulation Patch Erosion for Deformable Lapped Textures on 3D Fluids Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces EMU: Efficient Muscle Simulation in Deformation Space Realistic Buoyancy Model for Real-Time Applications Physically Based Simulation […]

Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids

Mengyu Chu,  Nils Thuerey, Hans-Peter Seidel, Christian Theobalt, Rhaleb Zayer While modern fluid simulation methods achieve high-quality simulation results, it is still a big challenge to interpret and control motion from visual quantities, such as the advected marker density. These visual quantities play an important role in user interactions: Being familiar and meaningful to humans, these […]

Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces

Thomas Wolf, Victor Cornillere, Olga Sorkine-Hornung Reading books or articles digitally has become accessible and widespread thanks to the large amount of affordable mobile devices and distribution platforms. However, little effort has been devoted to improving the digital book reading experience,despite studies showing disadvantages of digital text media consumption, such as diminished memory recall and […]