Penetration-free Projective Dynamics on the GPU

Lei Lan, Guanqun Ma, Yin Yang, Changxi Zheng, Minchen Li, Chenfanfu Jiang We present a GPU algorithm for deformable simulation. Our method offers good computational efficiency and penetration-free guarantee at the same time, which are not common with existing techniques. The main idea is an algorithmic integration of projective dynamics (PD) and incremental potential contact […]

The Power Particle-In-Cell Method

Ziyin Qu, Minchen Li, Fernando de Goes, Chenfanfu Jiang This paper introduces a new weighting scheme for particle-grid transfers that generates hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian fluid simulations with uniform particle distributions and precise volume control. At its core, our approach reformulates the construction of Power Particles [de Goes et al . 2015] by computing volume-constrained density kernels. […]

Energetically Consistent Inelasticity for Optimization Time Integration

Xuan Li, Minchen Li, Chenfanfu Jiang In this paper, we propose Energetically Consistent Inelasticity (ECI), a new formulation for modeling and discretizing finite strain elastoplasticity/viscoelasticity in a way that is compatible with optimization-based time integrators. We provide an in-depth analysis for allowing plasticity to be implicitly integrated through an augmented strain energy density function. We […]

A Unified Newton Barrier Method for Multibody Dynamics

Yunuo Chen*, Minchen Li* (equal contributions), Lei Lan, Hao Su, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang We present a simulation framework for multibody dynamics via a universal variational integration. Our method naturally supports mixed rigid-deformables and mixed codimensional geometries, while providing guaranteed numerical convergence and accurate resolution of contact, friction, and a wide range of articulation constraints. […]

Go Green: General Regularized Green’s Functions for Elasticity

Jiong Chen, Mathieu Desbrun The fundamental solutions (Green’s functions) of linear elasticity for an infinite and isotropic media are ubiquitous in interactive graphics applications that cannot afford the computational costs of volumetric meshing and finite-element simulation. For instance, the recent work of de Goes and James [2017] leveraged these Green’s functions to formulate sculpting tools […]

An Efficient B-Spline Lagrangian/Eulerian Method for Compressible Flow, Shock Waves, and Fracturing Solids

Yadi Cao, Yunuo Chen, Minchen Li, Yin Yang, Xinxin Zhang, Mridul Aanjaneya, Chenfanfu Jiang This study presents a new method for modeling the interaction between compressible flow, shock waves, and deformable structures, emphasizing destructive dynamics. Extending advances in time-splitting compressible flow and the Material Point Methods (MPM), we develop a hybrid Eulerian and Lagrangian/Eulerian scheme […]

A Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particle Method for Thin Film and Foam Simulation

Yitong Deng, Mengdi Wang, Xiangxin Kong, Shiying Xiong, Zangyueyang Xian, Bo Zhu We present the Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particles (MELP), a novel mesh-free method for simulating incompressible fluid on thin films and foams. Employing a bi-layer particle structure, MELP jointly simulates detailed, vigorous flow and large surface deformation at high stability and efficiency. In addition, we […]

Covector Fluids

Mohammad Sina Nabizadeh, Stephanie Wang, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Albert Chern The animation of delicate vortical structures of gas and liquids has been of great interest in computer graphics. However, common velocity-based fluid solvers can damp the vortical flow, while vorticity-based fluid solvers suffer from performance drawbacks. We propose a new velocity-based fluid solver derived from a […]

Contact-Centric Deformation Learning

Cristian Romero, Dan Casas, Maurizio M. Chiaramonte, Miguel A. Otaduy We propose a novel method to machine-learn highly detailed, nonlinear contact deformations for real-time dynamic simulation. We depart from previous deformation-learning strategies, and model contact deformations in a contact-centric manner. This strategy shows excellent generalization with respect to the object’s configuration space, and it allows […]

Ecoclimates: Climate-Response Modeling of Vegetation

Wojtek Pałubicki, Miłosz Makowski, Weronika Gajda, Torsten Hädrich, Dominik L. Michels, Sören Pirk One of the greatest challenges to mankind is understanding the underlying principles of climate change. Over the last years, the role of forests in climate change has received increased attention. This is due to the observation that not only the atmosphere has […]