Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedrization: A Robust and Practical Approach

Lorenzo Diazzi, Daniele Panozzo, Amir Vaxman, Marco Attene We present a numerically robust algorithm for computing the constrained Delaunay tetrahedrization (CDT) of a piecewise-linear complex, which has a 100% success rate on the 4408 valid models in the Thingi10k dataset. We build on the underlying theory of the well-known TetGen software, but use a floating-point […]

SIGGRAPH Asia 2023

Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedrization: A Robust and Practical Approach The Design Space of Kirchhoff Rods High-Order Moment-Encoded Kinetic Simulation of Turbulent Flows Subspace-Preconditioned GPU Projective Dynamics with Contact for Cloth Simulation Real-time Height-field Simulation of Sand and Water Mixtures A Physically-inspired Approach to the Simulation of Plant Wilting Power Plastics: A Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian Solver for Mesoscale […]

Augmented Incremental Potential Contact for Sticky Interactions

Yu Fang, Minchen Li, Yadi Cao, Xuan Li, Joshuah Wolper, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang We introduce a variational formulation for simulating sticky interactions between elastoplastic solids. Our method brings a wider range of material behaviors into the reach of the Incremental Potential Contact (IPC) solver recently developed by [1]. Extending IPC requires several contributions. We […]

Anatomically Detailed Simulation of Human Torso

Seunghwan Lee, Yifeng Jiang, C. Karen Liu Existing digital human models approximate the human skeletal system using rigid bodies connected by rotational joints. While the simplification is considered acceptable for legs and arms, it significantly lacks fidelity to model rich torso movements in common activities such as dancing, Yoga, and various sports. Research from biomechanics […]

Nonlinear Compliant Modes for Large-Deformation Analysis of Flexible Structures

Simon Duenser, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Roi Poranne, Stelian Coros Many flexible structures are characterized by a small number of compliant modes, i.e., large deformation paths that can be traversed with little mechanical effort, whereas resistance to other deformations is much stiffer. Predicting the compliant modes for a given flexible structure, however, is challenging. While linear eigenmodes […]

A Unified Analysis of Penalty-Based Collision Energies

Alvin Shi, Theodore Kim We analyze a wide class of penalty energies used for contact response through the lens of a reduced frame. Applying our analysis to both spring-based and barrier-based energies, we show that we can obtain closed-form, analytic eigensystems that can be used to guarantee positive semidefiniteness in implicit solvers. Our approach is […]

An Eigenanalysis of Angle-Based Deformation Energies

Haomiao Wu, Theodore Kim Angle-based energies appear in numerous physics-based simulation models, including thin-shell bending and isotropic elastic strands. We present a generic analysis of these energies that allows us to analytically filter the negative eigenvalues of the second derivative (Hessian), which is critical for stable, implicit time integration. While these energies are usually formulated […]

Lifted Curls: A Model for Tightly Coiled Hair Simulation

Alvin Shi, Haomiao Wu, Jarred Parr, A.M. Darke, Theodore Kim We present an isotropic, hyperelastic model specifically designed for the efficient simulation of tightly coiled hairs whose curl radii approach 5 mm. Our model is robust to large bends and torsions, even when they appear at the scale of the strand discretization. The terms of […]

Towards Realtime: A Hybrid Physics-based Method for Hair Animation on GPU

Li Huang, Fan Yang, Chendi Wei, Yuju (Edwin) Chen, Chun Yuan, Ming Gao This paper introduces a hair simulator optimized for real-time applications, including console and cloud gaming, avatar live-streaming, and metaverse environments. We view the collisions between strands as a mechanism to preserve the overall volume of the hair and adopt explicit Material Point […]

Sum-of-Squares Collision Detection for Curved Shapes and Paths

Paul Zhang, Zoë Marschner, Justin Solomon, Rasmus Tamstorf Sum-of-Squares Programming (SOSP) has recently been introduced to graphics as a unified way to address a large set of difficult problems involving higher order primitives. Unfortunately, a challenging aspect of this approach is the computational cost—especially for problems involving multiple geometries like collision detection. In this paper, […]