Mixing Fluids and Granular Materials

Fluid animations in computer graphics show interactions with various kinds of objects. However, fluid flowing through a granular material such as sand is still not possible within current frameworks. In this paper, we present the simulation of fine granular materials interacting with fluids. We propose a unified Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework for the simulation of […]

Scalable Real-Time Animation of Rivers

Many recent games and applications target the interactive exploration of realistic large scale worlds. These worlds consist mostly of static terrain models, as the simulation of animated fluids in these virtual worlds is computation- ally expensive. Adding flowing fluids, such as rivers, to these virtual worlds would greatly enhance their realism, but causes specific issues: […]

Hydraulic Erosion Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

This paper presents a new technique for modification of 3D terrains by hydraulic erosion. It efficiently couples fluid simulation using a Lagrangian approach, namely the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method, and a physically-based erosion model adopted from an Eulerian approach. The eroded sediment is associated with the SPH particles and is advected both implicitly, due […]

Direct Forcing for Lagrangian Rigid-Fluid Coupling

We propose a novel boundary handling algorithm for particle-based fluids. Based on a predictor-corrector scheme for both velocity and position, one- and two-way coupling with rigid bodies can be realized. The proposed algorithm offers significant improvements over existing penalty-based approaches. Different slip conditions can be realized and non-penetration is enforced. Direct forcing is employed to meet the desired boundary conditions and to […]

Fast Animation of Turbulence Using Energy Transport and Procedural Synthesis

“We present a novel technique for the animation of turbulent fluids by coupling a procedural turbulence model with a numerical fluid solver to introduce subgrid-scale flow detail. From the large-scale flow simulated by the solver, we model the production and behavior of turbulent energy using a physically motivated energy model. This energy distribution is used […]

Real-Time Control of Physically Based Simulations Using Gentle Forces

Recent advances have brought real-time physically based simulation within reach, but simulations are still difficult to control in real time. We present interactive simulations of passive systems such as deformable solids or fluids that are not only fast, but also directable: they follow given input trajectories while simultaneously reacting to user input and other unexpected […]

Vortex Methods for Incompressible Flow Simulation on the GPU

We present a remeshed vortex particle method for incompressible flow simulations on GPUs. The particles are convected in a Lagrangian frame and are periodically reinitialized on a regular grid. The grid is used in addition to solve for the velocity–vorticity Poisson equation and for the computation of the diffusion operators. In the present GPU implementation […]

Real-time Animation of Sand-Water Interaction

Recent advances in physically-based simulations have made it possible to generate realistic animations. However, in the case of solid-fluid coupling, wetting effects have rarely been noticed despite their visual importance especially in interactions between fluids and granular materials. This paper presents a simple particle-based method to model the physical mechanism of wetness propagating through granular […]

Book: Fluid simulation for computer graphics

“This book is designed to give the reader a practical introduction to fluid simulation for graphics. The field of fluid dynamics, even just in animation, is vast and so not every topic will be covered, and many wonderful papers will sadly be passed over in the hope of distilling the essentials; this is far from […]

Robust and Efficient Wave Simulations on Deforming Meshes

The goal of this paper is to enable the interactive simulation of phenomena such as animated fluid characters. While full 3D fluid solvers achieve this with control algorithms, these 3D simulations are usually too costly for real-time environments. In order to achieve our goal, we reduce the problem from a three- to a two-dimensional one, […]