A Simple Finite Volume Method for Adaptive Viscous Liquids

Christopher Batty, Ben Houston We present the first spatially adaptive Eulerian fluid animation method to support challenging viscous liquid effects such as folding, coiling, and variable viscosity. We propose a tetrahedral node-based embedded finite volume method for fluid viscosity, adapted from popular techniques for Lagrangian deformable objects. Applied in an Eulerian fashion with implicit integration, […]

Graph-based Fire Synthesis

Yubo Zhang, Carlos Correa, Kwan-Liu Ma We present a novel graph-based data-driven technique for cost-effective fire modeling. This technique allows composing long animation sequences using a small number of short simulations. While traditional techniques such as motion graphs and motion blending work well for character motion synthesis, they cannot be trivially applied to fluids to […]

Two-Scale Particle Simulation

We propose a two-scale method for particle-based fluids that allocates computing resources to regions of the fluid where complex flow behavior emerges. Our method uses a low- and a high-resolution simulation that run at the same time. While in the coarse simulation the whole fluid is represented by large particles, the fine level simulates only […]

Real-Time Eulerian Water Simulation Using a Restricted Tall Cell Grid

We present a new Eulerian fluid simulation method, which allows real-time simulations of large scale three dimensional liquids. Such scenarios have hitherto been restricted to the domain of off-line computation. To reduce computation time we use a hybrid grid representation composed of regular cubic cells on top of a layer of tall cells. With this […]

Articulated Swimming Creatures

We present a general approach to creating realistic swimming behavior for a given articulated creature body. The two main components of our method are creature/fluid simulation and the optimization of the creature motion parameters. We simulate two-way coupling between the fluid and the articulated body by solving a linear system that matches acceleration at fluid/solid […]

Guide Shapes for High Resolution Naturalistic Liquid Simulation

Art direction of high resolution naturalistic liquid simulations is notoriously hard, due to both the chaotic nature of the physics and the computational resources required. Resimulating a scene at higher resolution often produces very different results, and is too expensive to allow many design cycles. We present a method of constraining or guiding a high […]

Optimization-based Fluid Simulation on Unstructured Meshes

We present a novel approach to fluid simulation, allowing us to take into account the surface energy in a precise manner. This new approach combines a novel, topology-adaptive approach to deformable interface tracking, called the deformable simplicial complexes method (DSC) with an optimization-based, linear finite element method for solving the incompressible Euler equations. The deformable […]

Langevin Particle: A Self-Adaptive Lagrangian Primitive For Flow Simulation Enhancement

We develop a new Lagrangian primitive, named Langevin particle, to incorporate turbulent flow details in fluid simulation. A group of the particles are distributed inside the simulation domain based on a turbulence energy model with turbulence viscosity. A particle in particular moves obeying the generalized Langevin equation, a well-known stochastic differential equation that describes the […]

PhD Thesis

Cem Yuksel, Texas A&M, 2010: Real-Time Water Waves with Wave Particles

Constraint Fluids

We present a fluid simulation method based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in which incompressibility and boundary conditions are enforced using holonomic kinematic constraints on the density. This formulation enables systematic multiphysics integration in which interactions are modeled via similar constraints between the fluid pseudo-particles and impenetrable surfaces of other bodies. These conditions embody Archimede’s […]