Ghost SPH for Animating Water

Hagit Schechter, Robert Bridson We propose a new ghost fluid approach for free surface and solid boundary conditions in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) liquid simulations. Prior methods either suffer from a spurious numerical surface tension artifact or drift away from the mass conservation constraint, and do not capture realistic cohesion of liquid to solids. Our […]

Animating Bubble Interactions in a Liquid Foam

Oleksiy Busaryev, Tamal Dey, Huamin Wang, Ren Zhong Bubbles and foams are important features of liquid surface phenomena, but they are difficult to animate due to their thin films and complex interactions in the real world. In particular, small bubbles (having diameter <1cm) in a dense foam are highly affected by surface tension, so their […]

Baroclinic Turbulence with Varying Density and Temperature

Doyub Kim, Seung Woo Lee, Oh-young Song, Hyeong-Seok Ko The explosive or volcanic scenes in motion pictures involve complex turbulent flow as its temperature and density vary in space. To simulate this turbulent flow of an inhomogeneous fluid, we propose a simple and efficient framework. Instead of explicitly computing the complex motion of this fluid […]

PhD Thesis

Efficient and scalable simulation of solids and fluids – Jonathan Su, Stanford  

Fluid Simulation Using Laplacian Eigenfunctions

Tyler de Witt, Christian Lessig, Eugene Fiume We present an algorithm for the simulation of incompressible fluid phenomena that is computationally efficient and leads to visually convincing simulations with far fewer degrees of freedom than existing approaches. Rather than using an Eulerian grid or Lagrangian elements, we represent vorticity and velocity using a basis of […]

Steady state Stokes flow interpolation for fluid control

Haimasree Bhattacharya, Michael Nielsen, Robert Bridson Fluid control methods often require surface velocities interpolated throughout the interior of a shape to use the velocity as a feedback force or as a boundary condition. Prior methods for interpolation in computer graphics — velocity extrapolation in the normal direction and potential flow — suffer from a common problem. They […]

Explicit Mesh Surfaces for Particle Based Fluids

Jihun Yu, Chris Wojtan, Greg Turk, Chee Yap We introduce the idea of using an explicit triangle mesh to track the air/fluid interface in a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulator. Once an initial surface mesh is created, this mesh is carried forward in time using nearby particle velocities to advect the mesh vertices. The mesh […]

Multi-FLIP for Energetic Two-Phase Fluid Simulation

Landon Boyd, Robert Bridson Physically-based liquid animations often ignore the influence of air, giving up interesting behaviour. We present a new method which treats both air and liquid as incompressible, more accurately reproducing the reality observed at scales relevant to computer animation. The Fluid Implicit Particle (FLIP) method, already shown to effectively simulate incompressible fluids with low […]

SPH Based Shallow Water Simulation

Barbara Solenthaler, Peter Bucher, Nuttapong Chentanez, Matthias Muller, Markus Gross We present an efficient method that uses particles to solve the 2D shallow water equations. These equations describe the dynamics of a body of water represented by a height field. Instead of storing the surface heights using uniform grid cells, we discretize the fluid with […]

Sketch-Based Dynamic Illustration of Fluid Systems

Bo Zhu, Michiaki Iwata, Ryo Haraguchi, Takashi Ashahara, Nobukuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi, Kazuo Nakazawa This paper presents a lightweight sketching system that enables interactive illustration of complex fluid systems. Users can sketch on a 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) canvas to design the shapes and connections of a fluid circuit. These input sketches are automatically analyzed and abstracted […]