Multiphase Flow of Immiscible Fluids on Unstructured Moving Meshes

Marek Misztal, Kenny Erleben, Adam Bargteil, J. Fursund, Brian Bunch Christensen, Andreas Bærentzen, Robert Bridson In this paper, we present a method for animating multiphase flow of immiscible fluids using unstructured moving meshes. Our underlying discretization is an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, the deformable simplicial complex (DSC), that moves with the flow in a Lagrangian manner. Mesh optimization operations improve element quality and avoid […]

Linear-Time Smoke Animation with Vortex Sheet Meshes

Tyson Brochu, Todd Keeler, Robert Bridson We present the first quality physics-based smoke animation method which runs in time approximately linear in the size of the rendered two-dimensional visual detail. Our fundamental representation is a closed triangle mesh surface dividing space between clear air and a uniformly smoky region, on which we compute vortex sheet dynamics to […]

Topology Adaptive Interface Tracking Using the Deformable Simplicial Complex

Marek Misztal, Andreas Baerentzen We present a novel, topology-adaptive method for deformable interface tracking, called the Deformable Simplicial Complex (DSC). In the DSC method, the interface is represented explicitly as a piecewise linear curve (in 2D) or surface (in 3D) which is a part of a discretization (triangulation/tetrahedralization) of the space, such that the interface […]

Versatile Rigid-Fluid Coupling for Incompressible SPH

Nadir Akinci, Markus Ihmsen, Gizem Akinci, Barbara Solenthaler, Matthias Teschner We propose a momentum-conserving two-way coupling method of SPH fluids and arbitrary rigid objects based on hydrodynamic forces. Our approach samples the surface of rigid bodies with boundary particles that interact with the fluid, preventing deficiency issues and both spatial and temporal discontinuities. The problem […]

Tracking Surfaces with Evolving Topology

Morten Bojsen-Hansen, Hao Li, Chris Wojtan We present a method for recovering a temporally coherent, deforming triangle mesh with arbitrarily changing topology from an incoherent sequence of static closed surfaces. We solve this problem using the surface geometry alone, without any prior information like surface templates or velocity fields. Our system combines a proven strategy […]

Parallel Surface Reconstruction for Particle-Based Fluids

Gizem Akinci, Markus Ihmsen, Nadir Akinci, Matthias Teschner This paper presents a novel method that improves the efficiency of high-quality surface reconstructions for particle-based fluids using Marching Cubes. By constructing the scalar field only in a narrow band around the surface, the computational complexity and the memory consumption scale with the fluid surface instead of […]

Unified Spray, Foam, and Bubbles for Particle-Based Fluids

Markus Ihmsen, Nadir Akinci, Gizem Akinci, Matthias Teschner We present a new model for diffuse material, i.e. water–air mixtures, that can be combined with particle-based fluids. Diffuse material is uniformly represented with particles which are classified into spray, foam and air bubbles. Physically motivated rules are employed to generate, advect and dissipate diffuse material. The […]

Discrete Viscous Sheets

Christopher Batty, Andres Uribe, Basile Audoly, Eitan Grinspun We present the first reduced-dimensional technique to simulate the dynamics of thin sheets of viscous incompressible liquid in three dimensions. Beginning from a discrete Lagrangian model for elastic thin shells, we apply the Stokes-Rayleigh analogy to derive a simple yet consistent model for viscous forces. We incorporate […]

Underwater Rigid Body Dynamics

Steffen Weissman, Ulrich Pinkall We show that the motion of rigid bodies under water can be realistically simulated by replacing the usual inertia tensor and scalar mass by the so-called Kirchhoff tensor. This allows us to model fluid-body interaction without simulating the surrounding fluid at all. We explain some of the phenomena that arise and […]

Lagrangian Vortex Sheets for Animating Fluids

Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross Buoyant turbulent smoke plumes with a sharp smoke-air interface, such as volcanic plumes, are notoriously hard to simulate. The surface clearly shows small-scale turbulent structures which are costly to resolve. In addition, the turbulence onset is directly visible at the interface, and is not captured by commonly used turbulence […]