Particle-particle Particle-mesh (PPPM) Fast Summation for Fluids and Beyond

Xinxin Zhang, Robert Bridson Solving the N-body problem, i.e. the Poisson problem with point sources, is a common task in graphics and simulation. The naive direct summation of the kernel function over all particles scales quadratically, rendering it too slow for large problems, while the optimal Fast Multipole Method has drastic implementation complexity and can sometimes […]

Coupling 3D Eulerian, Height Field and Particle Methods for the Simulation of Large Scale Liquid Phenomena

Nuttapong Chentanez, Matthias Mueller, Tae-Yong Kim We propose a new method to simulate large scale water phenomena by combining particle, 3D grid and height field methods. In contrast to most hybrid approaches that use particles to simulate foam and spray only, we also represent the bulk of water near the surface with both particles and a grid […]

Augmented MPM for phase-change and varied materials

Alexey Stomakhin, Craig Schroeder, Chenfanfu Jiang, Lawrence Chai, Joseph Teran, Andrew Selle In this paper, we introduce a novel material point method for heat transport, melting and solidifying materials. This brings a wider range of material behaviors into reach of the already versatile material point method. This is in contrast to best-of-breed fluid, solid or rigid body solvers that […]

Interactive Rendering of Giga-Particle Fluid Simulations

Florian Reichl,  Matthäus G. Chajdas,  Jens Schneider, and  Rüdiger Westermann We describe the design of an interactive rendering system for particle-based fluid simulations comprising hundreds of millions of particles per time step. We present a novel binary voxel representation for particle positions in combination with random jitter to drastically reduce memory and bandwidth requirements. To avoid a time-consuming […]

Functional Fluids on Surfaces

Omri Azencot, Steffen Weißmann, Maks Ovsjanikov, Max Wardetzky, Mirela Ben-Chen Fluid simulation plays a key role in various domains of science including computer graphics. While most existing work addresses fluids on bounded Euclidean domains, we consider the problem of simulating the behavior of an incompressible fluid on a curved surface represented as an unstructured triangle mesh. Unlike the […]

Ocean Waves Animation using Boundary Integral Equations and Explicit Mesh Tracking

Todd Keeler, Robert Bridson We tackle deep water simulation in a scalable way, solving 3D irrotational flow using only variables stored in a mesh of the surface of the water, in time proportional to the rendered mesh. The heart of our method is a novel boundary integral equation formulation that is amenable to explicit mesh tracking with […]

From Capture to Simulation – Connecting Forward and Inverse Problems in Fluids

James Gregson, Ivo Irkhe, Nils Thuerey, Wolfgang Heidrich We explore the connection between fluid capture, simulation and proximal methods, a class of algorithms commonly used for inverse problems in image processing and computer vision. Our key finding is that the proximal operator constraining fluid velocities to be divergence-free is directly equivalent to the pressure-projection methods […]

Multiple-Fluid SPH Simulation Using a Mixture Model

Bo Reng, Chenfeng Li, Xiao Yan, Ming C. Lin, Javier Bonet, Shi-Min Hu This paper presents a versatile and robust SPH simulation approach for multiple-fluid flows. The spatial distribution of different phases or components is modeled using the volume fraction representation, the dynamics of multiple-fluid flows is captured by using an improved mixture model, and […]

Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Applications

Miles Macklin, Matthias Müller, Nuttapong Chentanez, and Tae-Yong Kim We present a unified dynamics framework for real-time visual effects. Using particles connected by constraints as our fundamental building block allows us to treat contact and collisions in a unified manner, and we show how this representation is flexible enough to model gases, liquids, deformable solids, […]

Multimaterial Mesh-Based Surface Tracking

Fang Da, Christopher Batty, Eitan Grinspun We present a triangle mesh-based technique for tracking the evolution of three-dimensional multimaterial interfaces undergoing complex deformations. It is the first non-manifold triangle mesh tracking method to simultaneously maintain intersection-free meshes and support the proposed broad set of multimaterial remeshing and topological operations. We represent the interface as a […]