Double Bubbles Sans Toil and Trouble: Discrete Circulation-Preserving Vortex Sheets for Soap Films and Foams

Fang Da, Christopher Batty, Chris Wojtan, Eitan Grinspun Simulating the delightful dynamics of soap films, bubbles, and foams has traditionally required the use of a fully three-dimensional many-phase Navier-Stokes solver, even though their visual appearance is completely dominated by the thin liquid surface. We depart from earlier work on soap bubbles and foams by noting […]

Power particles: An incompressible fluid solver based on power diagrams

Fernando de Goes, Corentin Wallez, Jin Huang, Dmitry Pavlov, Mathieu Desbrun This paper introduces a new particle-based approach to incompressible fluid simulation. We depart from previous Lagrangian methods by considering fluid particles no longer purely as material points, but also as volumetric parcels that partition the fluid domain. The fluid motion is described as a […]

Water Wave Animation via Wavefront Parameter Interpolation

Stefan Jeschke, Chris Wojtan We present an efficient wavefront tracking algorithm for animating bodies of water that interact with their environment. Our contributions include: a novel wavefront tracking technique that enables dispersion, refraction, reflection, and diffraction in the same simulation; a unique multi-valued function interpolation method that enables our simulations to elegantly sidestep the Nyquist […]

Implicit Formulation for SPH-Based Viscous Fluids

Tetsuya Takahashi, Yoshinori Dobashi, Issei Fujishiro, Tomoyuki Nishita, Ming C. Lin We propose a stable and efficient particle-based method for simulating highly viscous fluids that can generate coiling and buckling phenomena and handle variable viscosity. In contrast to previous methods that use explicit integration, our method uses an implicit formulation to improve the robustness of […]

A Dimension-reduced Pressure Solver for Liquid Simulations

Ryoichi Ando, Nils Thuerey, Chris Wojtan This work presents a method for efficiently simplifying the pressure projection step in a liquid simulation. We first devise a straightforward dimension reduction technique that dramatically reduces the cost of solving the pressure projection. Next, we introduce a novel change of basis that satisfies free-surface boundary conditions {\em exactly}, […]

Realistic Biomechanical Simulation and Control of Human Swimming

Weiguang Si, Sung-Hee Lee, Eftychios Sifakis, Demetri Terzopoulos We address the challenging problem of controlling a complex biomechanical model of the human body to synthesize realistic swimming animation. Our human model includes all of the relevant articular bones and muscles, including 103 bones (comprising 163 articular degrees of freedom) plus a total of 823 muscle actuators embedded in a […]

SPGrid: A Sparse Paged Grid structure applied to adaptive smoke simulation

Rajsekhar Setaluri, Mridul Aanjaneya, Sean Bauer, and Eftychios Sifakis We introduce a new method for fluid simulation on high-resolution adaptive grids which rivals the throughput and parallelism potential of methods based on uniform grids. Our enabling contribution is SPGrid, a new data structure for compact storage and efficient stream processing of sparsely populated uniform Cartesian […]

Coupling Hair with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Fluids

Wei-Chin Lin We present a two-way coupling technique for simulating the complex interaction between hair and fluids. In our approach, the motion of hair and fluids is simulated by evaluating the hydrodynamic forces among them based on boundary handling techniques used in SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) fluids. When hair makes contact with fluids, water absorption […]

Parallel Particles (P^2): A Parallel Position Based Approach for Fast and Stable Simulation of Granular Materials

Daniel Holz Granular materials exhibit a large number of diverse physical phenomena which makes their numerical simulation challenging. When set in motion they flow almost like a fluid, while they can present high shear strength when at rest. Those macroscopic effects result from the material’s microstructure: a particle skeleton with interlocking particles which stick to […]

Stylized Keyframe Animation of Fluid Simulations

Mark Browning, Connelly Barnes, Samantha Ritter, Adam Finkelstein We present a method that combines hand-drawn artwork with fluid simulations to produce animated fluids in the visual style of the artwork. Given a fluid simulation and a set of keyframes rendered by the artist in any medium, our system produces a set of in-betweens that visually matches […]