kDet: Parallel Constant Time Collision Detection for Polygonal Objects

René Weller, Nicole Debowski and Gabriel Zachmann We define a novel geometric predicate and a class of objects that enables us to prove a linear bound on the number of intersecting polygon pairs for colliding 3D objects in that class. Our predicate is relevant both in theory and in practice: it is easy to check […]

Quasi-Newton Methods for Real-time Simulation of Hyperelastic Materials

Tiantian Liu, Sofien Bouaziz, Ladislav Kavan We present a new method for real-time physics-based simulation supporting many different types of hyperelastic materials. Previous methods such as Position Based or Projective Dynamics are fast, but support only limited selection of materials; even classical materials such as the Neo-Hookean elasticity are not supported. Recently, Xu et al. […]

Anisotropic Elastoplasticity for Cloth, Knit and Hair Frictional Contact

Chenfanfu Jiang, Theodore Gast, Joseph Teran The typical elastic surface or curve simulation method takes a Lagrangian approach and consists of three components: time integration, collision detection and collision response. The Lagrangian view is beneficial because it naturally allows for tracking of the codimensional manifold, however collision must then be detected and resolved separately. Eulerian […]

Dynamics-Aware Numerical Coarsening for Fabrication Design

Desai Chen, David I. W. Levin, Wojciech Matusik, Danny M. Kaufman The realistic simulation of highly-dynamic elastic objects is important for a broad range of applications in computer graphics, engineering and computational fabrication. However, whether simulating flipping toys, jumping robots, prosthetics or quickly moving creatures, performing such simulations in the presence of contact, impact and friction […]

Data-Driven Physics for Human Soft Tissue Animation

Meekyoung Kim, Gerard Pons-Moll, Sergi Pujades, Sungbae Bang, Jinwwok Kim, Michael Black, Sung-Hee Lee Data driven models of human poses and soft-tissue deformations can produce very realistic results, but they only model the visible surface of the human body and cannot create skin deformation due to interactions with the environment. Physical simulations can generalize to […]

Regularized Kelvinlets: Sculpting Brushes based on Fundamental Solutions of Elasticity

Fernando de Goes, Doug L. James We introduce a new technique for real-time physically based volume sculpting of virtual elastic materials. Our formulation is based on the elastic response to localized force distributions associated with common modeling primitives such as grab, scale, twist, and pinch. The resulting brush-like displacements correspond to the regularization of fundamental […]

A Stiffly Accurate Integrator for Elastodynamic Problems

Dominik L. Michels, Vu Thai Luan, Mayya Tokman We present a new integration algorithm for the accurate and efficient solution of stiff elastodynamic problems governed by the second-order ordinary differential equations of structural mechanics. Current methods have the shortcoming that their performance is highly dependent on the numerical stiffness of the underlying system that often […]

Botanical Materials Based on Biomechanics

Bohan Wang, Yili Zhao, Jernej Barbic Botanical simulation plays an important role in many fields including visual effects, games and virtual reality. Previous plant simulation research has focused on computing physically based motion, under the assumption that the material properties are known. It is too tedious and impractical to manually set the spatially-varying material properties […]

Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation

Alexandru-Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadlecek, Ladislav Kavan, Mark Pauly We present a novel physics-based approach to facial animation. Contrary to commonly used generative methods, our solution computes facial expressions by minimizing a set of non-linear potential energies that model the physical interaction of passive flesh, active muscles, and rigid bone structures. By integrating collision and contact […]

Example-Based Damping Design

Hongyi Xu, Jernej Barbič To date, material modeling in physically based computer animation has largely focused on mass and stiffness material properties. However, deformation dynamics is largely affected also by the damping properties. In this paper, we propose an interactive design method for nonlinear isotropic and anisotropic damping of complex three-dimensional solids simulated using the […]