Fast and Scalable CPU/GPU Collision Detection for Rigid and Deformable Surfaces

We present a new hybrid CPU/GPU collision detection technique for rigid and deformable objects based on spatial subdivision. Our approach efficiently exploits the massive computational capabilities of modern CPUs and GPUs commonly found in off-the-shelf computer systems. The algorithm is specifically tailored to be highly scalable on both the CPU and the GPU sides. We […]

PhD Theses

Chris Wojtan,  Georgia Tech: Animating Physical Phenomena with Embedded Surface Meshes Andreas Söderström, Linköping University: Memory Efficient Methods for Eulerian Free Surface Fluid Animation

Multi-Resolution Isotropic Strain Limiting

In this paper we describe a fast strain-limiting method that allows stiff, incompliant materials to be simulated efficiently. Unlike prior approaches, which act on springs or individual strain components, this method acts on the strain tensors in a coordinate-invariant fashion allowing isotropic behavior. Our method applies to both two- and three-dimensional strains, and only requires […]

Creature Control in a Fluid Environment

In this paper, we propose a method designed to allow creatures to actively respond to a fluid environment. We explore various objective functions in order to determine ways to direct the behavior of our creatures. Our proposed method works in conjunction with generalized body forces as well as both one-way and two-way coupled fluid forces. […]

A Simple Geometric Model for Elastic Deformations

We advocate a simple geometric model for elasticity: distance between the differential of a deformation and the rotation group. It comes with rigorous differential geometric underpinnings, both smooth and discrete, and is computationally almost as simple and efficient as linear elasticity. Owing to its geometric non-linearity, though, it does not suffer from the usual linearization artifacts. […]

Constraint Based Simulation of Adhesive Contact

Dynamics with contact are often formulated as a constrained optimization problem. This approach allows handling in an integrated manner both non-penetration and frictional constraints. Following developments in the computational mechanics field, we have designed an algorithm for adding the simulation of adhesive contact constraints in the context of state-of-the-art constraint-based contact solvers. We show that […]

Volume Contact Constraints at Arbitrary Resolution

We introduce a new method for simulating frictional contact between volumetric objects using interpenetration volume constraints. When applied to complex geometries, our formulation results in dramatically simpler systems of equations than those of traditional mesh contact models. Contact between highly detailed meshes can be simplified to a single unilateral constraint equation, or accurately processed at […]

Dynamic Local Remeshing for Elastoplastic Simulation

We propose a finite element simulation method that addresses the full range of material behavior, from purely elastic to highly plastic, for physical domains that are substantially reshaped by plastic flow, fracture, or large elastic deformations. To mitigate artificial plasticity, we maintain a simulation mesh in both the current state and the rest shape, and […]

Unified Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids

We develop an accurate, unified treatment of elastica. Following the method of resultant-based formulation to its logical extreme, we derive a higher-order integration rule, or elaston, measuring stretching, shearing, bending, and twisting along any axis. The theory and accompanying implementation do not distinguish between forms of different dimension (solids, shells, rods), nor between manifold regions […]

Anisotropic Friction for Deformable Surfaces and Solids

This paper presents a method for simulating anisotropic friction for deforming surfaces and solids. Frictional contact is a complex phenomenon that fuels research in mechanical engineering, computational contact mechanics, composite material design and rigid body dynamics, to name just a few. Many real-world materials have anisotropic surface properties. As an example, most textile materials exhibit […]