A Material Point Method for Viscoelastic Fluids, Foams, and Sponges

Daniel Ram, Theodore Gast, Chenfanfu Jiang, Craig Schroeder, Alexey Stomakhin, Joseph Teran, Pirouz Kavehpour We present a new Material Point Method (MPM) for simulating viscoelastic fluids, foams and sponges. We design our discretization from the upper convected derivative terms in the evolution of the left Cauchy-Green elastic strain tensor. We combine this with an Oldroyd-B […]

Multifarious Hierarchies of Mechanical Models for Artist Assigned Levels-of-Detail

Richard Malgat, Benjamin Gilles, David I.W. Levin, Mathieu Nesme, Francois Faure We present a new framework for artist driven level of detail in solid simulations. Simulated objects are simultaneously embedded in several, separately designed deformation models with their own independent degrees of freedom. The models are ordered to apply their deformations hierarchically, and we enforce […]

Nonlinear Material Design Using Principal Stretches

Hongyi Xu, Funshing Sin, Yufeng Zhu, Jernej Barbic The Finite Element Method is widely used for solid deformable object simulation in film, computer games, virtual reality and medicine. Previous applications of nonlinear solid elasticity employed materials from a few standard families such as linear corotational, nonlinear St.Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean, Ogden or Mooney-Rivlin materials. However, the spaces […]

Stable Constrained Dynamics

Maxime Tournier, Matthieu Nesme, Benjamin Gilles, Francois Faure We present a unification of the two main approaches to simulate deformable solids, namely elasticity and constraints. Elasticity accurately handles soft to moderately stiff objects, but becomes numerically hard as stiffness increases. Constraints efficiently handle high stiffness, but when integrated in time they can suffer from instabilities […]

High-Resolution Brittle Fracture Simulation with Boundary Elements

David Hahn, Chris Wojtan We present a method for simulating brittle fracture under the assumptions of quasi-static linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). Using the boundary element method (BEM) and Lagrangian crack-fronts, we produce highly detailed fracture surfaces. The computational cost of the BEM is alleviated by using a low-resolution mesh and interpolating the resulting stress […]

Continuum Foam: A Material Point Method for Shear-Dependent Flows

Yonghao Yue, Breannan Smith, Christopher Batty, Changxi Zheng, Eitan Grinspun We consider the simulation of dense foams composed of microscopic bubbles, such as shaving cream and whipped cream. We represent foam not as a collection of discrete bubbles, but instead as a continuum. We employ the Material Point Method (MPM) to discretize a hyperelastic constitutive […]

The Affine Particle-In-Cell Method

Chenfanfu Jiang, Craig Schroeder, Andrew Selle, Joseph Teran, Alexey Stomakhin Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian simulation is commonplace in computer graphics for fluids and other materials undergoing large deformation. In these methods, particles are used to resolve transport and topological change, while a background Eulerian grid is used for computing mechanical forces and collision responses. Particle- in-Cell (PIC) techniques, particularly the Fluid […]

Deformation Capture and Modeling of Soft Objects

Bin Wang, Longhua Wu, Kangkang Yin, Uri Ascher, Libin Liu, Hui Huang We present a data-driven method for the deformation capture and physics-based modeling of soft deformable objects. Our framework enables both realistic motion reconstruction and synthesis of virtual soft object models in response to user stimulation. Low cost depth sensors are used for the […]

Air Meshes for Robust Collision Handling

Matthias Mueller, Nuttapong Chentanez, Tae-Yong Kim, Miles Macklin We propose a new method for both collision detection and collision response geared towards handling complex deformable objects in close contact. Our method does not miss collision events between time steps and solves the challenging problem of untangling automatically and robustly. It is conceptually simple and straight […]

Subspace Condensation: Full Space Adaptivity for Subspace Deformations

Yun Teng, Mark Meyer, Tony DeRose, Theodore Kim Subspace deformable body simulations can be very fast, but can behave unrealistically when behaviors outside the prescribed subspace, such as novel external collisions, are encountered. We address this limitation by presenting a fast, flexible new method that allows full space computation to be activated in the neighborhood […]