Efficient Position-Based Deformable Colon Modeling for Endoscopic Procedures Simulation

Marcelo Martins, Lucas Morais, Rafael Torchelsen, Luciana Nedel, Anderson Maciel

Current endoscopy simulators oversimplify navigation and interaction within tubular anatomical structures to maintain interactive frame rates, neglecting the intricate dynamics of permanent contact between the organ and the medical tool. Traditional algorithms fail to represent the complexities of long, slender, deformable tools like endoscopes and hollow organs, such as the human colon, and their interaction.  In this paper, we address longstanding challenges hindering the realism of surgery simulators, explicitly focusing on these structures. One of the main components we introduce is a new model for the overall shape of the organ, which is challenging to retain due to the complex surroundings inside the abdomen. Our approach uses eXtended Position-Based Dynamics (XPBD) with a Cosserat rod constraint combined with a mesh of tetrahedrons to retain the colon’s shape. We also introduce a novel contact detection algorithm for tubular structures, allowing for real-time performance. This comprehensive representation captures global deformations and local features, significantly enhancing simulation fidelity compared to previous works. Results showcase that navigating the endoscope through our simulated colon seemingly mirrors real-world operations. Additionally, we use real-patient data to generate the colon model, resulting in a highly realistic virtual colonoscopy simulation. Integrating efficient simulation techniques with practical medical applications arguably advances surgery simulation realism.

Efficient Position-Based Deformable Colon Modeling for Endoscopic Procedures Simulation

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