Merci: Mixed curvature-based elements for computing equilibria of thin elastic ribbons

Raphaël Charrondière, Sébastien Neukirch, Florence Bertails-Descoubes Thin elastic ribbons represent a class of intermediary objects lying in-between thin elastic plates and thin elastic rods. Although the two latter families of thin structures have received much interest from the Computer Graphics community over the last decades, ribbons have seldom been considered and modelled numerically so far, […]

Lagrangian Covector Fluid with Free Surface

Zhiqi Li, Barnabás Börcsök, Duowen Chen, Yutong Sun, Bo Zhu, Greg Turk, This paper introduces a novel Lagrangian fluid solver based on covector flow maps. We aim to address the challenges of establishing a robust flow-map solver for incompressible fluids under complex boundary conditions. Our key idea is to use particle trajectories to establish precise […]

Stabler Neo-Hookean Simulation: Absolute Eigenvalue Filtering for Projected Newton

Honglin Chen, Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, David I.W. Levin, Changxi Zheng, Alec Jacobson Volume-preserving hyperelastic materials are widely used to model near-incompressible materials such as rubber and soft tissues. However, the numerical simulation of volume-preserving hyperelastic materials is notoriously challenging within this regime due to the non-convexity of the energy function. In this work, we identify […]