A Contact Proxy Splitting Method for Lagrangian Solid-Fluid Coupling

Tianye Xie, Minchen Li, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang

We present a robust and efficient method for simulating Lagrangian solid-fluid coupling based on a new operator splitting strategy. We use variational formulations to approximate fluid properties and solid-fluid interactions, and introduce a unified two-way coupling formulation for SPH fluids and FEM solids using interior point barrier-based frictional contact. We split the resulting optimization problem into a fluid phase and a solid-coupling phase using a novel time-splitting approach with augmented contact proxies, and propose efficient custom linear solvers. Our technique accounts for fluids interaction with nonlinear hyperelastic objects of different geometries and codimensions, while maintaining an algorithmically guaranteed non-penetrating criterion. Comprehensive benchmarks and experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our method.

A Contact Proxy Splitting Method for Lagrangian Solid-Fluid Coupling

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