Ships, Splashes, and Waves on a Vast Ocean

Libo Huang, Ziyin Qu, Xun Tan, Xinxin Zhang, Dominik L. Michels, Chenfanfu Jiang The simulation of large open water surface is challenging for a uniform volumetric discretization of the Navier-Stokes equation. The water splashes near moving objects, which height field methods for water waves cannot capture, necessitates high resolution simulation such as the Fluid-Implicit-Particle (FLIP) […]

Eurographics 2021

Honey I Shrunk the Domain: Reduced Domain Decomposition for Efficient Optimization of Fluids Two-step Temporal Interpolation Network using Forward-advection for Efficient Smoke Simulation Patch Erosion for Deformable Lapped Textures on 3D Fluids Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces EMU: Efficient Muscle Simulation in Deformation Space Realistic Buoyancy Model for Real-Time Applications Physically Based Simulation […]