Real-Time Deformation and Fracture in a Game Environment

This paper describes a simulation system that has been developed to model the deformation and fracture of solid objects in a real-time gaming context. Based around a corotational tetrahedral finite element method, this system has been constructed from components published in the graphics and computational physics literatures. The goal of this paper is to describe how these components can be combined to produce an engine that is robust to unpredictable user interactions, fast enough to model reasonable scenarios at real-time speeds, suitable for use in the design of a game level, and with appropriate controls allowing content creators to match artistic direction. Details concerning parallel implementation, solver design, rendering method, and other aspects of the simulation are elucidated with the intent of providing a guide to others wishing to implement similar systems. Examples from in-game scenes captured on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms are included.

Real-Time Deformation and Fracture in a Game Environment

1 Comment

  1. PSN Games says:

    I can understand the concept, but it fails in real world practice, as the user interface is imperfect. Perhaps this would work better with Natal or later technology.

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