Resources & Courses

Baraff & Witkin’s SIGGRAPH Course notes on physically based modeling (particle systems, rigid bodies, constrained dynamics, etc.) (2001)

Nealen et al. Eurographics State of the Art Report on Physically Based Deformable Models in Computer Graphics (2005)

Robert Bridson’s SIGGRAPH Course notes on Fluids (2007)

Muller et al. SIGGRAPH Course on Real-Time Physics (2008)

Wojtan et al. SIGGRAPH course on Liquid Simulation with Mesh-Based Surface Tracking (2011)

Bender et al. Eurographics State of the Art Report on Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics (2012)

Barbic and Sifakis’ SIGGRAPH Course notes on FEM / Model Reduction (2012)

Liu & Jain’s Quick Tutorial on Multibody Dynamics

Ihmsen et al. Eurographics State of the Art Report on SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics (2014)

Ladislav Kavan’s Physics-based Animation course on YouTube (2014)

Bender et al. Eurographics Tutorial: Position-Based Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics (2015)

Jiang et al. SIGGRAPH Course: The Material Point Method for Simulating Continuum Materials (2016)

Bargteil & Shinar SIGGRAPH Course: An Introduction to Physics-Based Animation (2018) [Video from SIGGRAPH 2019]

Fratarcangeli et al. SIGGRAPH Asia Course: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Real-Time Elastic Deformations (2018)

Koschier et al. Eurographics Tutorial: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Techniques for the Physics Based Simulation of Fluids and Solids (2019)

Kim & Eberle’s Dynamic Deformables: Implementation and Production Practicalities (2020)

David I.W. Levin’s Physics-Based Animation YouTube series (2020)

Andrews & Erleben’s Contact and Friction Simulation for Computer Graphics (2021)

Matthias Mueller-Fischer’s Ten Minute Physics YouTube series (2021)

Koschier et al.’s A Survey on SPH Methods in Computer Graphic (2022)

Li & Jiang’s Physics-Based Simulation (2024)

Chand’s In-Depth FLIP tutorial (2025)


  1. sfaer says:

    Hey great site,

    You can find Ladislav Kavlan’s “Physic-Based Animation” course on youtube, and it is quite interesting.


  2. christopherbatty says:

    Thanks, I’ll add it!

  3. Wenxian says:

    Hi Prof. Christopher Batty!

    Just a kind note:

    A really good course regarding physically based animation 🙂


  4. Christopher Batty says:

    Thanks for the suggestion! However, usually I don’t include university courses, but just SIGGRAPH/Eurographics courses (or rather the associated notes).

  5. Donald House says:

    A great resource. Thanks. I wanted to let you know of our new book, Donald House and John Keyser: Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation, CRC Press. It is organized as an introduction to the field.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great, thanks!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hi Christopher thank you for the wonderful web site. Have you found the new updated Pixar physical simulation course? I think it is a good course to add to this list:

    • christopherbatty says:

      I’d indeed seen it, but had forgotten to post it, so I appreciate the reminder. Will do so right away. Thanks!

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