SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

Rest Shape Optimization for Sag-Free Discrete Elastic Rods

Tetsuya Takahashi, Christopher Batty

We propose a new rest shape optimization framework to achieve sag-free simulations of discrete elastic rods. To optimize rest shape parameters, we formulate a minimization problem based on the kinetic energy with a regularizer while imposing box constraints on these parameters to ensure the system’s stability. Our method solves the resulting constrained minimization problem via the Gauss-Newton algorithm augmented with penalty methods. We demonstrate that the optimized rest shape parameters enable discrete elastic rods to achieve static equilibrium for a wide range of strand geometries and material parameters.

Rest Shape Optimization for Sag-Free Discrete Elastic Rods

A Hybrid Lagrangian–Eulerian Formulation of Thin-Shell Fracture

L. Fan, Floyd M. Chitalu, Taku Komura

The hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian formulation of continuum shells is highly effective for producing challenging simulations of thin materials like cloth with bending resistance and frictional contact. However, existing formulations are restricted to materials that do not undergo tearing nor fracture due to the difficulties associated with incorporating strong discontinuities of field quantities like velocity via basis enrichment while maintaining C^1 continuity or H^2 regularity. We propose an extension of this formulation to simulate dynamic tearing and fracturing of thin-shells using Kirchhoff-Love continuum theory. Damage, which manifests as cracks or tears, is propagated by tracking the evolution of a time-dependent phase-field in the co-dimensional manifold, where a moving least-squares (MLS) approximation then captures the strong discontinuities of interpolated field quantities near the crack. Our approach is capable of simulating challenging scenarios of this tearing and fracture, all-the-while harnessing the existing benefits of the hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian formulation to expand the domain of possible effects. The method is also amenable to user-guided control, which serves to influence the propagation of cracks or tears such that they follow prescribed paths during simulation.

A Hybrid Lagrangian–Eulerian Formulation of Thin-Shell Fracture

Neural Garment Dynamic Super-Resolution

Meng Zhang, Jun Li

Achieving efficient, high-fidelity, high-resolution garment simulation is challenging due to its computational demands. Conversely, low-resolution garment simulation is more accessible and ideal for low-budget devices like smartphones. In this paper, we introduce a lightweight, learning-based method for garment dynamic super-resolution, designed to efficiently enhance high-resolution, high-frequency details in low-resolution garment simulations. Starting with low-resolution garment simulation and underlying body motion, we utilize a mesh-graph-net to compute super-resolution features based on coarse garment dynamics and garment-body interactions. These features are then used by a hyper-net to construct an implicit function of detailed wrinkle residuals for each coarse mesh triangle. Considering the influence of coarse garment shapes on detailed wrinkle performance, we correct the coarse garment shape and predict detailed wrinkle residuals using these implicit functions. Finally, we generate detailed high-resolution garment geometry by applying the detailed wrinkle residuals to the corrected coarse garment. Our method enables roll-out prediction by iteratively using its predictions as input for subsequent frames, producing fine-grained wrinkle details to enhance the low-resolution simulation. Despite training on a small dataset, our network robustly generalizes to different body shapes, motions, and garment types not present in the training data. We demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art alternatives, particularly in enhancing the quality of high-frequency, fine-grained wrinkle details.

Neural Garment Dynamic Super-Resolution

Analytic rotation-invariant modelling of anisotropic finite elements

Huancheng Lin, Floyd M. Chitalu, Taku Komura

Anisotropic hyperelastic distortion energies are used to solve many problems in fields like computer graphics and engineering with applications in shape analysis, deformation, design, mesh parameterization, biomechanics and more. However, formulating a robust anisotropic energy that is low-order and yet sufficiently non-linear remains a challenging problem for achieving the convergence promised by Newton-type methods in numerical optimization. In this paper, we propose a novel analytic formulation of an anisotropic energy that is smooth everywhere, low-order, rotationally-invariant and at-least twice differentiable. At its core, our approach utilizes implicit rotation factorizations with invariants of the Cauchy-Green tensor that arises from the deformation gradient. The versatility and generality of our analysis is demonstrated through a variety of examples, where we also show that the constitutive law suggested by the anisotropic version of the well-known As-Rigid-As-Possible energy is the foundational parametric description of both passive and active elastic materials. The generality of our approach means that we can systematically derive the force and force-Jacobian expressions for use in implicit and quasistatic numerical optimization schemes, and we can also use our analysis to rewrite, simplify and speedup several existing anisotropic and isotropic distortion energies with guaranteed inversion-safety.

Analytic rotation-invariant modelling of anisotropic finite elements

Neural Implicit Reduced Fluid Simulation

Yuanyuan Tao, Ivan Puhachov, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Paul Kry

High-fidelity simulation of fluid dynamics is challenging because of the high dimensional state data needed to capture fine details and the large computational cost associated with advancing the system in time. We present neural implicit reduced fluid simulation (NIRFS), a reduced fluid simulation technique that combines an implicit neural representation of fluid shapes and a neural ordinary differential equation to model the dynamics of fluid in the reduced latent space. The latent trajectories are computed at very little cost in comparison to simulations for training, while preserving fine physical details. We show that this approach can work well, capturing the shapes and dynamics involved in a variety of scenarios with constrained initial conditions, e.g., droplet-droplet collisions, crown splashes, and fluid slosh in a container. In each scenario, we learn the latent implicit representation of fluid shapes with a deep-network signed distance function, as well as the energy function and parameters of a damped Hamiltonian system, which helps guarantee desirable properties of the latent dynamics. To ensure that latent shape representations form smooth and physically meaningful trajectories, we simultaneously learn the latent representation and dynamics. We evaluate novel simulations for conservation of volume and momentum conservation, discuss design decisions, and demonstrate an application of our method to fluid control.

Neural Implicit Reduced Fluid Simulation

MiNNIE: a Mixed Multigrid Method for Real-time Simulation of Nonlinear Near-Incompressible Elastics

Liangwang Ruan , Bin Wang, Tiantian Liu, Baoquan Chen

We propose MiNNIE, a simple yet comprehensive framework for real-time simulation of nonlinear near-incompressible elastics. To avoid the common volumetric locking issues at high Poisson’s ratios of linear finite element methods (FEM), we build MiNNIE upon a mixed FEM framework and further incorporate a pressure stabilization term to ensure excellent convergence of multigrid solvers. Our pressure stabilization strategy injects bounded influence on nodal displacement which can be eliminated using a quasi-Newton method. MiNNIE has a specially tailored GPU multigrid solver including a modified skinning-space interpolation scheme, a novel vertex Vanka smoother, and an efficient dense solver using Schur complement. MiNNIE supports various elastic material models and simulates them in real-time, supporting a full range of Poisson’s ratios up to 0.5 while handling large deformations, element inversions, and self-collisions at the same time.

MiNNIE: a Mixed Multigrid Method for Real-time Simulation of Nonlinear Near-Incompressible Elastics

A Cubic Barrier with Elasticity-Inclusive Dynamic Stiffness

Ryoichi Ando

This paper presents a new cubic barrier with elasticity-inclusive dynamic stiffness for penetration-free contact resolution and strain limiting. We show that our method enlarges tight strain-limiting gaps where logarithmic barriers struggle and enables highly scalable contact-rich simulation.

A Cubic Barrier with Elasticity-Inclusive Dynamic Stiffness

Trust-Region Eigenvalue Filtering for Projected Newton

Honglin Chen, Hseuh-Ti Derek Liu, Alec Jacobson, David I. W. Levin, Changxi Zheng

We introduce a novel adaptive eigenvalue filtering strategy to stabilize and accelerate the optimization of Neo-Hookean energy and its variants under the Projected Newton framework. For the first time, we show that Newton’s method, Projected Newton with eigenvalue clamping and Projected Newton with absolute eigenvalue filtering can be unified using ideas from the generalized trust region method. Based on the trust-region fit, our model adaptively chooses the correct eigenvalue filtering strategy to apply during the optimization. Our method is simple but effective, requiring only two lines of code change in the existing Projected Newton framework. We validate our model outperforms stand-alone variants across a number of experiments on quasistatic simulation of deformable solids over a large dataset.

Trust-Region Eigenvalue Filtering for Projected Newton

Accelerate Neural Subspace-Based Reduced-Order Solver of Deformable Simulation by Lipschitz Optimization

Aoran Lyu, Shixian Zhao, Chuhua Xian, Zhihao Cen, Hongmin Cai, Guoxin Fang

Reduced-order simulation is an emerging method for accelerating physical simulations with high DOFs, and recently developed neural-network-based methods with nonlinear subspaces have been proven effective in diverse applications as more concise subspaces can be detected. However, the complexity and landscape of simulation objectives within the subspace have not been optimized, which leaves room for enhancement of the convergence speed. This work focuses on this point by proposing a general method for finding optimized subspace mappings, enabling further acceleration of neural reduced-order simulations while capturing comprehensive representations of the configuration manifolds. We achieve this by optimizing the Lipschitz energy of the elasticity term in the simulation objective, and incorporating the cubature approximation into the training process to manage the high memory and time demands associated with optimizing the newly introduced energy. Our method is versatile and applicable to both supervised and unsupervised settings for optimizing the parameterizations of the configuration manifolds. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through general cases in both quasi-static and dynamics simulations. Our method achieves acceleration factors of up to 6.83 while consistently preserving comparable simulation accuracy in various cases, including large twisting, bending, and rotational deformations with collision handling. This novel approach offers significant potential for accelerating physical simulations, and can be a good add-on to existing neural-network-based solutions in modeling complex deformable objects.

Accelerate Neural Subspace-Based Reduced-Order Solver of Deformable Simulation by Lipschitz Optimization

Trading Spaces: Adaptive Subspace Time Integration for Contacting Elastodynamics

Ty Trusty, Yun (Raymond) Fei, David I.W. Levin, Danny M. Kaufman

We construct a subspace simulator that adaptively balances solution improvement against system size. The core components of our simulator are an adaptive subspace oracle, model, and parallel time-step solver algorithm. Our in-time-step adaptivity oracle continually assesses subspace solution quality and candidate update proposals while accounting for temporal variations in deformation and spatial variations in material. In turn our adaptivity model is subspace agnostic. It allows application across subspace representations and expresses unrestricted deformations independent of subspace choice. We couple our oracle and model with a custom-constructed parallel time-step solver for our enriched systems that exposes a pair of user tolerances which provide controllable simulation quality. As tolerances are tightened our model converges to full-space solutions (with expected cost increases). On the other hand, as tolerances are relaxed we obtain output-bound simulation costs. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach across a wide range of challenging nonlinear materials models, material stiffnesses, heterogeneities, dynamic behaviors, and frictionally contacting conditions, obtaining scalable and efficient simulations of complex elastodynamic scenarios.

Trading Spaces: Adaptive Subspace Time Integration for Contacting Elastodynamics